Dear all,
Firstly i would like to take this opportunity to wish u all a Merry Christmas.Hope u have a great day and a wonderful year ahead of you.May all your dreams come true and the Angels are just a second away if u need them...because they love u so very much and will always always be there for you.
This week we have messages from ARCHANGEL HANIEL, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL and ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Sky-blue)says that you must trust and follow your intuition.It is God and the Angels speaking to you.
You are being Divinely guided right now.The gut feeling,the knowingness,the visions or the inner voice are all trying to tell u something...and it is very important that you trust and follow your guidance.
Let go...surrender.And allow God and the Angels to help you.Everything that you release will be either replaced by something better or will be returned to you healed.
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL says that you do not have to be like everyone else.You are perfect just the way you are.Everyone wants to be liked so its normal to want to fit in with other people.But your special talents are needed in this world and by comparing u may affect your self esteem.Don't change..unless your inner voice tells you to improve yourself through learning new skills and taking care of your body...then you are being good to yourself.Love and respect yourself with each passing minute...and see how people change the way they look at you.
What you are asking about is the TRUTH.This card wants you to know that you are correct in what you are thinking about in this situation.Take a moment and see how your body feels about this situation.Our body is the perfect guidance system and gives us clear messages regarding situations/people if only we care to listen.Ask the Angels to intervene if in dilemma.You know they will never leave u alone.They love u very very much.
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL says that rest if u must.Know that your body is asking for it.Sometimes mentally and physically we may burn ourselves out and no matter what others think,just take time to relax and rest and sleep.Be gentle with yourself.This hasn't been an easy transition for many of us and a lot of my members are going through huge changes..well..the more rested u are,the more the clarity.Hence order to feel stronger and then u will be ready to take the next step.
Do not let people tell you that it is your karma that you have to stay in a nightmarish marriage or job.Karma is a different thing.When situations begin to wreck you,you must leave.
The meaning of life is to do good,love...and help as many people as you can.Because if u do good to others and send light to them,it reflects.
Stand tall,be proud because u have descended from Mother and Father God.You are their offspring not just our beloved JESUS CHRIST.
Leaving u all with this beautiful Christmas song with such lovely lyrics.I Love u and i wish each and every one of you a magical Christmas :-).
Angel Blessings all.
See u next week.
Have fun.

Firstly i would like to take this opportunity to wish u all a Merry Christmas.Hope u have a great day and a wonderful year ahead of you.May all your dreams come true and the Angels are just a second away if u need them...because they love u so very much and will always always be there for you.
This week we have messages from ARCHANGEL HANIEL, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL and ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Sky-blue)says that you must trust and follow your intuition.It is God and the Angels speaking to you.
You are being Divinely guided right now.The gut feeling,the knowingness,the visions or the inner voice are all trying to tell u something...and it is very important that you trust and follow your guidance.
Let go...surrender.And allow God and the Angels to help you.Everything that you release will be either replaced by something better or will be returned to you healed.
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL says that you do not have to be like everyone else.You are perfect just the way you are.Everyone wants to be liked so its normal to want to fit in with other people.But your special talents are needed in this world and by comparing u may affect your self esteem.Don't change..unless your inner voice tells you to improve yourself through learning new skills and taking care of your body...then you are being good to yourself.Love and respect yourself with each passing minute...and see how people change the way they look at you.
What you are asking about is the TRUTH.This card wants you to know that you are correct in what you are thinking about in this situation.Take a moment and see how your body feels about this situation.Our body is the perfect guidance system and gives us clear messages regarding situations/people if only we care to listen.Ask the Angels to intervene if in dilemma.You know they will never leave u alone.They love u very very much.
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL says that rest if u must.Know that your body is asking for it.Sometimes mentally and physically we may burn ourselves out and no matter what others think,just take time to relax and rest and sleep.Be gentle with yourself.This hasn't been an easy transition for many of us and a lot of my members are going through huge changes..well..the more rested u are,the more the clarity.Hence order to feel stronger and then u will be ready to take the next step.
Do not let people tell you that it is your karma that you have to stay in a nightmarish marriage or job.Karma is a different thing.When situations begin to wreck you,you must leave.
The meaning of life is to do good,love...and help as many people as you can.Because if u do good to others and send light to them,it reflects.
Stand tall,be proud because u have descended from Mother and Father God.You are their offspring not just our beloved JESUS CHRIST.
Leaving u all with this beautiful Christmas song with such lovely lyrics.I Love u and i wish each and every one of you a magical Christmas :-).
Angel Blessings all.
See u next week.
Have fun.