Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL(Deep Purple) communicating with us.
The first card that i picked says-DETACH FROM THE SITUATION.
You have been embroiled in a situation where you can't see objectively.This card indicates that it's time to step back and obtain a bigger view of the picture.
Archangel Michael asks you to detach from the surrounding emotions and once u ask him,he will help you do so.Michael will also help you in depersonalizing the experience so u don't take offense at others behaviors.This will prevent you from reacting defensively-instead your actions wil stem from love and wisdom.So give yourself permission to take a time-out away from the people involved.You don't need to know the solution right now,as the Angels are taking care of the details.What really is important for u is to access a sense of inner peace-a feeling that will lead to new and helpful insights.
Possible Specific Meanings-
Don't take on other people's arguments-let them work thing out for themselves.Be compassionate without carrying someone else's burden.Ask Archangel Michael to clear your energy.
It is time to leave an unhealthy situation or relationship.
The second card says- LET GO OF FEAR...NOW!!
Archangel Michael says that fear is the only thing interfering with your happiness and plans.He wants to show you how to release your worry or dread so you can feel safe and secure.This card indicates that you are ready to let go of control issues and trust that everything ultimately works out for the best.
You are going in the right direction.You deserve all that is good.Allow yourself to receive love,support and abundance.You are lovable.
The last card is titled as- SELF RESPECT.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL is supporting your quest for happiness,health and abundance by advising you to respect and love yourself.The situation you may be inquiring about may have some dysfunctional aspects,which can adversely affect your self esteem.This card is a sign that it is time to honor yourself,even if others aren't treating you in a worthy manner.You deserve respect from yourself and others for you are a beloved child of God(just as everyone else is in spiritual truth).
Ask Archangel Michael to boost up your self esteem.Leave an abusive situation.Let go of behaviors that you know deep down aren't healthy or right for you,as guilt erodes self respect.Insist that others treat u with Self Respect.
Sometimes when i shuffle the cards i get repetitive cards,i try again..and the outcome cards are the same which means we have still to accomplish all the above mentioned...yes...i include myself in this message too.
So this week,lets work on our self esteem and honor our authentic selves;never mind what people say,they say what they feel like anyways right...
This is it now.
You drown or you shine.
We have to make that choice.This is a decision making week and we have so so many Angels who we can ask for guidance...especially the one who is the closest to God- ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
If u feel emotionally drained by someone...feel someone is deliberately hurting u,invoke this Archangel...and ask him to cut the etheric cords between u and that person.Surround yourself with his Purple energy and u will feel the difference.
But don't stay in relationships that make u sad...depressed or unhappy.
God wants us to be happy.
So why choose sadness??
Sending u all my love...
And a shower of Angel Blessings.
Be brave and as u let go and shut one door,it's law,many many doors will be opened for u but u have to make a conscious decision to set yourself free from that pattern u have carried over lifetimes.
Love yourself:-).You are beautiful!
I leave you with the Angels now.
Be back next week.
Love u.

This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL(Deep Purple) communicating with us.
The first card that i picked says-DETACH FROM THE SITUATION.
You have been embroiled in a situation where you can't see objectively.This card indicates that it's time to step back and obtain a bigger view of the picture.
Archangel Michael asks you to detach from the surrounding emotions and once u ask him,he will help you do so.Michael will also help you in depersonalizing the experience so u don't take offense at others behaviors.This will prevent you from reacting defensively-instead your actions wil stem from love and wisdom.So give yourself permission to take a time-out away from the people involved.You don't need to know the solution right now,as the Angels are taking care of the details.What really is important for u is to access a sense of inner peace-a feeling that will lead to new and helpful insights.
Possible Specific Meanings-
Don't take on other people's arguments-let them work thing out for themselves.Be compassionate without carrying someone else's burden.Ask Archangel Michael to clear your energy.
It is time to leave an unhealthy situation or relationship.
The second card says- LET GO OF FEAR...NOW!!
Archangel Michael says that fear is the only thing interfering with your happiness and plans.He wants to show you how to release your worry or dread so you can feel safe and secure.This card indicates that you are ready to let go of control issues and trust that everything ultimately works out for the best.
You are going in the right direction.You deserve all that is good.Allow yourself to receive love,support and abundance.You are lovable.
The last card is titled as- SELF RESPECT.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL is supporting your quest for happiness,health and abundance by advising you to respect and love yourself.The situation you may be inquiring about may have some dysfunctional aspects,which can adversely affect your self esteem.This card is a sign that it is time to honor yourself,even if others aren't treating you in a worthy manner.You deserve respect from yourself and others for you are a beloved child of God(just as everyone else is in spiritual truth).
Ask Archangel Michael to boost up your self esteem.Leave an abusive situation.Let go of behaviors that you know deep down aren't healthy or right for you,as guilt erodes self respect.Insist that others treat u with Self Respect.
Sometimes when i shuffle the cards i get repetitive cards,i try again..and the outcome cards are the same which means we have still to accomplish all the above mentioned...yes...i include myself in this message too.
So this week,lets work on our self esteem and honor our authentic selves;never mind what people say,they say what they feel like anyways right...
This is it now.
You drown or you shine.
We have to make that choice.This is a decision making week and we have so so many Angels who we can ask for guidance...especially the one who is the closest to God- ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
If u feel emotionally drained by someone...feel someone is deliberately hurting u,invoke this Archangel...and ask him to cut the etheric cords between u and that person.Surround yourself with his Purple energy and u will feel the difference.
But don't stay in relationships that make u sad...depressed or unhappy.
God wants us to be happy.
So why choose sadness??
Sending u all my love...
And a shower of Angel Blessings.
Be brave and as u let go and shut one door,it's law,many many doors will be opened for u but u have to make a conscious decision to set yourself free from that pattern u have carried over lifetimes.
Love yourself:-).You are beautiful!
I leave you with the Angels now.
Be back next week.
Love u.

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