Dear all,
ARCHANGEL ARIEL(shade of soft pink)says,"Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation."
This card asks you to begin each day with positive intentions and affirmations.Before arising from your bed,spend a few moments thinking about your desires.Don't worry bout how to bring them into physical form.Just allow yourself to imagine that they've already manifested.Then make one or more positive affirmations,write them down and place it next to your bed so that every morning you arise with a positive and a fresh state of mind.This must be done so that no negative thought is allowed to creep in.We need to be as loving and positive towards ourselves and others as much as we can.
ARCHANGEL RAGUEL(aura is aqua blue)says,"Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance,as it can yield valuable information."
Heaven is giving you important messages and by drawing this card you are asked to pay extra attention to them.Notice conversations you overhear,comments made to you by others and inner feelings and thoughts.Look for common threads among the signs,as they're forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
Do not think that you are imagining that Heaven is sending you these messages,signs and Divine Guidance.Anytime you hear or feel something three or more times,especially within a short time period,it's information worthy of your attention.These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system,since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences.Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonor you and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.
The energies are intense,very intense these days and the only way to get through them is to live in 'Gratitude'...because if u look around each one is fighting his or her own battle.What may appear to be,may not always be the truth.
Count your blessings...the world does seem to be on fire doesn't it and it's hard to fathom what people go through when they are under the threat of a dangerous disease or when they are left all alone to deal with the problems of the world.I suppose we all have been there..however the Angels reiterate that no matter how lonely it may seem,in God's truth u are never alone.Open yourself to the non local reality...after all that is where you came from, and that is where u will go.
Follow your neither has any ego nor pride..but never let the other person walk over your dreams.No one has the right to do that.Stay away from nay sayers...stay away from people you intuitively feel are not well wishers but are pretending to be so.You are sensitive...right now...shield not allow anyone to dis empower you.There are poeple who drain you out,just by being near them u feel attacked...or not good enough....or you don't feel like doing anything.Trust your vibe;it is but obvious that these people are sending out harsh energy...and u are absorbing it.
Ask ARCHANGEL MICHAEL to rinse u off that energy so that you can do what you have come to do on this Earth.
Do not allow anyone to hold you back.
And work on your relationship with yourself,so that this feeling of indecisiveness or being stuck withers away starting by taking care of your body...exercising..working on a regimented diet in order to feel fit.
Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body.
So forgive the ones who have let you down,forgive yourself for making mistakes sometimes..we all do..and u will see
how things start changing in your life.How all those aches and pains and knotted feelings in your stomach and your body disappear...
Our body is a very powerful emotional guidance system.When you think a thought that rings true with who you really are,you feel harmony coursing through your physical body and when u think thoughts that do not ring true with who u really are,you feel disharmony in your physical body.Depression,fear and feelings of bondage are examples of this misalignment.
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
So my dear all,i wish u a happy and a healthy week.
Take care of your precious self...and don't settle!!
Sending u all my love and a shower of Angel Blessings.
Love u all.

ARCHANGEL ARIEL(shade of soft pink)says,"Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation."
This card asks you to begin each day with positive intentions and affirmations.Before arising from your bed,spend a few moments thinking about your desires.Don't worry bout how to bring them into physical form.Just allow yourself to imagine that they've already manifested.Then make one or more positive affirmations,write them down and place it next to your bed so that every morning you arise with a positive and a fresh state of mind.This must be done so that no negative thought is allowed to creep in.We need to be as loving and positive towards ourselves and others as much as we can.
ARCHANGEL RAGUEL(aura is aqua blue)says,"Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance,as it can yield valuable information."
Heaven is giving you important messages and by drawing this card you are asked to pay extra attention to them.Notice conversations you overhear,comments made to you by others and inner feelings and thoughts.Look for common threads among the signs,as they're forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
Do not think that you are imagining that Heaven is sending you these messages,signs and Divine Guidance.Anytime you hear or feel something three or more times,especially within a short time period,it's information worthy of your attention.These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system,since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences.Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonor you and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.
The energies are intense,very intense these days and the only way to get through them is to live in 'Gratitude'...because if u look around each one is fighting his or her own battle.What may appear to be,may not always be the truth.
Count your blessings...the world does seem to be on fire doesn't it and it's hard to fathom what people go through when they are under the threat of a dangerous disease or when they are left all alone to deal with the problems of the world.I suppose we all have been there..however the Angels reiterate that no matter how lonely it may seem,in God's truth u are never alone.Open yourself to the non local reality...after all that is where you came from, and that is where u will go.
Follow your neither has any ego nor pride..but never let the other person walk over your dreams.No one has the right to do that.Stay away from nay sayers...stay away from people you intuitively feel are not well wishers but are pretending to be so.You are sensitive...right now...shield not allow anyone to dis empower you.There are poeple who drain you out,just by being near them u feel attacked...or not good enough....or you don't feel like doing anything.Trust your vibe;it is but obvious that these people are sending out harsh energy...and u are absorbing it.
Ask ARCHANGEL MICHAEL to rinse u off that energy so that you can do what you have come to do on this Earth.
Do not allow anyone to hold you back.
And work on your relationship with yourself,so that this feeling of indecisiveness or being stuck withers away starting by taking care of your body...exercising..working on a regimented diet in order to feel fit.
Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body.
So forgive the ones who have let you down,forgive yourself for making mistakes sometimes..we all do..and u will see
how things start changing in your life.How all those aches and pains and knotted feelings in your stomach and your body disappear...
Our body is a very powerful emotional guidance system.When you think a thought that rings true with who you really are,you feel harmony coursing through your physical body and when u think thoughts that do not ring true with who u really are,you feel disharmony in your physical body.Depression,fear and feelings of bondage are examples of this misalignment.
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
So my dear all,i wish u a happy and a healthy week.
Take care of your precious self...and don't settle!!
Sending u all my love and a shower of Angel Blessings.
Love u all.

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