Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL with us.
This card serves as a talisman to raise your self confidence.AA MICHAEL has been trying to reassure you that you have the strength,the power and skills that are valuable to God's plan of peace.MICHAEL is protecting u while u shine your bright light.Listen to your intuition and act aplomb.Tune into your intuition as it is right on target.Trust the person you are inquiring about.Have faith that you are on the right path.Know that your financial needs are met now and in the future.
He also says that the Romance Angels are helping you.
There is a special group of ethereal beings called the Romance Angels who specifically work with matters of the heart.These Angels are giving you intuitive guidance to prepare for great love.The other meanings of this card are that the person you are inquiring about is your soul mate.You will experience a happy change in your present relationship.You are learning to love yourself which is great.Also can mean u will soon meet someone by following your guidance.Listen to your intuition concerning exercise,diet and other aspects of self improvement.
ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL(LEAF GREEN)says,"It is time to clearly make a decision about what you want."
As you go through life,you gain more responsibilities-one of the biggest is to decide what you want.You are now in a time where you could go in a few directions,depending upon your decisions.In other words you must decide,"What's next for me?"
It may seem a lil difficult to make decisions but fortunately you can call upon Heaven to guide you,trusted friends as well as experts.Also try closing your eyes and imagining the different possibilities for yourself and then noticing which one makes you feel happiest.Which one feels like it would be most helpful to you and others?Always choose a path which will do most good to you and others.
Decisions are magical,in that they get things moving again,in case some of you are feeling stuck.If you don't like where your life is going right now,u can change it.You are the creator of your own reality,we all know that.It requires courage but once u know what u want and that will give u more happiness so make the right choice for yourself.This week only focus on what makes you happy and based on that make the life changes that u may need to make now.
Our Archangels also talk about the importance of SYNERGISM in our lives.SYNERGISM is the act of taking a small grain of your goal and then expanding on it to create the whole.Let's say you are trying to procure money that's rightfully yours.Take a dollar and concentrate on it to make it grow.Concentrate on the fact that this dollar can reproduce itself many times if you want.So take that dollar and give it to another person,but someone who is in need.This way you have enacted for the universe what you want.You have set a chain reaction by putting your needs and wants in motion.
Another example of SYNERGY is an architect who goes into the middle of the field holding two bricks.She looks at the field and says with these two bricks i am going to build a shopping center and what happens?From those bricks come in other bricks and workers.The 'SYNERGISM DREAM' is built.If a person can do this with 2 bricks u can also do that with you life.
If you believe in something long enough and can make it real in your own mind it will happen.So don't give up.
It helps if you are willing to believe in something greater than yourself.It does not have to be overly altruistic.It can be as minimal as having a happy family,a love affair or enough money.In doing that really visualize it and program for it.
And ask these beautiful ARCHANGELS to motivate you whenever u feel u need it...anytime...anyplace...24/7.They can be there for all times.
Anytime you start a sentence with "I am," you are creating what you are and what you want to be. When you choose to say "I am happy, I am kind, I am perfect," you help the light of God inside you grow and shine.
-Dr Wayne W. Dyer.
Love Light and a shower of Angel Blessings to all.
Have a beautiful week.
Take care

This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL with us.
This card serves as a talisman to raise your self confidence.AA MICHAEL has been trying to reassure you that you have the strength,the power and skills that are valuable to God's plan of peace.MICHAEL is protecting u while u shine your bright light.Listen to your intuition and act aplomb.Tune into your intuition as it is right on target.Trust the person you are inquiring about.Have faith that you are on the right path.Know that your financial needs are met now and in the future.
He also says that the Romance Angels are helping you.
There is a special group of ethereal beings called the Romance Angels who specifically work with matters of the heart.These Angels are giving you intuitive guidance to prepare for great love.The other meanings of this card are that the person you are inquiring about is your soul mate.You will experience a happy change in your present relationship.You are learning to love yourself which is great.Also can mean u will soon meet someone by following your guidance.Listen to your intuition concerning exercise,diet and other aspects of self improvement.
ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL(LEAF GREEN)says,"It is time to clearly make a decision about what you want."
As you go through life,you gain more responsibilities-one of the biggest is to decide what you want.You are now in a time where you could go in a few directions,depending upon your decisions.In other words you must decide,"What's next for me?"
It may seem a lil difficult to make decisions but fortunately you can call upon Heaven to guide you,trusted friends as well as experts.Also try closing your eyes and imagining the different possibilities for yourself and then noticing which one makes you feel happiest.Which one feels like it would be most helpful to you and others?Always choose a path which will do most good to you and others.
Decisions are magical,in that they get things moving again,in case some of you are feeling stuck.If you don't like where your life is going right now,u can change it.You are the creator of your own reality,we all know that.It requires courage but once u know what u want and that will give u more happiness so make the right choice for yourself.This week only focus on what makes you happy and based on that make the life changes that u may need to make now.
Our Archangels also talk about the importance of SYNERGISM in our lives.SYNERGISM is the act of taking a small grain of your goal and then expanding on it to create the whole.Let's say you are trying to procure money that's rightfully yours.Take a dollar and concentrate on it to make it grow.Concentrate on the fact that this dollar can reproduce itself many times if you want.So take that dollar and give it to another person,but someone who is in need.This way you have enacted for the universe what you want.You have set a chain reaction by putting your needs and wants in motion.
Another example of SYNERGY is an architect who goes into the middle of the field holding two bricks.She looks at the field and says with these two bricks i am going to build a shopping center and what happens?From those bricks come in other bricks and workers.The 'SYNERGISM DREAM' is built.If a person can do this with 2 bricks u can also do that with you life.
If you believe in something long enough and can make it real in your own mind it will happen.So don't give up.
It helps if you are willing to believe in something greater than yourself.It does not have to be overly altruistic.It can be as minimal as having a happy family,a love affair or enough money.In doing that really visualize it and program for it.
And ask these beautiful ARCHANGELS to motivate you whenever u feel u need it...anytime...anyplace...24/7.They can be there for all times.
Anytime you start a sentence with "I am," you are creating what you are and what you want to be. When you choose to say "I am happy, I am kind, I am perfect," you help the light of God inside you grow and shine.
-Dr Wayne W. Dyer.
Love Light and a shower of Angel Blessings to all.
Have a beautiful week.
Take care

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