Dear all,
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Bright sparks of yellow)says,"The worst is now behind you and positive new experiences are on the horizon."
You've endured storms over rough seas,but now the way is clear n smooth.From hereon in you can expect the best.Wash away negativity from your consciousness and past memories and keep only positive lessons of love.Do not hang on to anything that could weigh you down such as resentment and bitterness.Let it go!
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Sky-blue)says," Stay optimistic.You know and can see that your dreams are coming true.Don't quit right before the miracle occurs."
This is it-your time has come!You are about to collect your rewards and your prayers will be answered.Even if a little more patience and guided action on your part is needed,the extra wait and effort are definitely worth it.You're just about there and this card asks u to keep your faith about miracles and heavenly magic.
Rest if u must,don't over work very gentle with yourself right now.Don't rush...just flow with it...sleep...relax!
ARCHANGEL RAGUEL(Sea green) says,"Let go of old guilt and remember that you are God's perfect child.
Do not be hard on yourself and if u feel u have made mistakes somewhere,forgive yourself.No one's perfect.
But don't move away from your own self...instead love yourself,accept yourself for who u are.
Everyone makes mistakes and its normal to feel regret occasionally.What's important though is how u handle these mistakes.
Focus on your positive attributes,your strengths...and your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will diminish.
Before going to bed call upon Raguel and AA Michael to raise your level of confidence and self esteem;works wonders.
The Angels say,"Extra magical energy surrounds your situation right now.Expect miracles"
And they want us to know that to ask for help is not a sign of weakness.Many of Earth's most wonderful inventions come from team efforts.And u can always ask the Angels to any situation,at any given point in your life.
They will be there as your support system...loving and pure...and will never let you down.
The Angels and The Law of Attraction is a million dollar combination...and when the Angels see that u are following and making the effort to abide by the law the prospect of attracting more opportunities and creating a miracle increases.
Every subject is really two subjects:There is that which u desire and the lack of it.So when u focus upon something u desire,feel the happiness...the excitement ...and the gratitude;the thankfulness that u feel in your heart and u attract it sooner but if u focus on the not having it and when and why is not happening and how can it not be working,then u are slowing down the process.Have faith...and stay focused on your desire.
Your world,present and future is directly and specifically affected by the signal that you are now transmitting.The personality that is you is really an eternal personality,but who you are right now,is causing a focusing of Energy that is very powerful.This energy that you are focusing is the same Energy that creates worlds.And it is,in this very moment,creating your world.
So my dear all,watch your thoughts...visualize...and you will create right before your eyes that you desire.
I wish u all a very happy and successful week.
Sending u a shower of Angel Blessings..
Take good care of yourselves.
Love u all.

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