Dear all,
This week i am picking cards from my deck of 'SAINTS AND ANGELS' by DOREEN VIRTUE who is such a blessing to humanity and this world!
So lets begin with the Reading.
The first card says-'YOU FOUND IT'.
This is a message about finding something of great value,such as your life path or a lost item.St. Anthony asks you to have faith that you have found(or will find very soon)what you are looking for.The situation you are inquiring about is what you've been seeking.Congratulations-you've found your way!
Both St Anthony and Archangel Chamuel(The Finding Archangel)can help you locate these lost items.Call upon them both(either silently or aloud)and ask them to help u.Then pay attention to your inner guidance,such as gut feelings,visions or thoughts.Follow this wisdom and you will find the item.Trust in the miracle of Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you.Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God.And if for some reason it doesn't immediately return,hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing.
St Anthony of Padua,Italy,was called 'The Wonder Worker' for his reported miraculous healings,including bringing a man back to life.
An eloquent speaker,he traveled widely to preach and help the poor.It is even reported that he gave speeches outdoors in the rain,yet his audience remained dry.How amazing is that now!Many people call upon St. Anthony to find lost items;also if they are feeling lost in life and to regain the grace of God,with miraculous results.
This is a message from our Angels and Archangels and the card says-SIGN FROM ABOVE.
This means that Heaven is sending you blessings and answers in the form of signs in the physical world.Notice anything that you see or hear three or more times for instance,if several people recommend the same book,movie,or class to you,that's a sign.Observe unusual occurrences such as Angel shaped clouds or cluster of butterflies.Pay attention to items with special significance such as loved one's favorite song playing on the radio,or a flower that you associate with a particular person or event cause this isn't mere happenstance.The old adage that 'Coincidences are when God remains anonymous' applies here.Trust in the signs you receive and know that they are very real and meaningful to you.
The Angels/Archangels are referring to a move as the next card is titled as-MOVE.
So this is a message about moving-most likely,it means that soon u will be moving to a new home.You've been considering the possibility and this is the validation of that idea.The Angels will help you locate a wonderful new home and assist with the details of leaving your present location.Give any worries about this issue to Heaven and have faith that the finances,family concerns and other issues will be taken care of.
Another meaning/perspective to this card is about moving your body more.The Angels ask you to create movement in your life through physical motion.You can do this by exercising,by swaying or dancing to music,hiking outdoors,playing with your children and so on.
All this movement helps you make a fresh start.It ushers in wonderful new people,experiences and opportunities so give any worries that you may have about making these changes to God and the Angels.
Looks like we all have to get out of our comfort zone and make things happen,cause the fact is,only we can do it..
Stepping outside your bubble can open a whole world of new possibilities.
So my dear all,try and work towards achieving your goals...and yet be gentle with yourself.
Easy does it!
But excuses begone.
I send u all my love...and a shower of Angel Blessings..and am thankful for all the love i receive from my dear members,some of them have become such good friends and it is indeed a blessing that when i need light,i know i can count on you to send me love and positive energy.And the same goes for all of here if u need me.You just have to let me know!
Call upon the Angels as much as u can so as to feel this wonderful connection that i do and now many of us do as well...
Like i always say..ask...and give them permission to intervene.U will feel their presence.They love u unconditionally.
Take care my beloved all.
Much love

This week i am picking cards from my deck of 'SAINTS AND ANGELS' by DOREEN VIRTUE who is such a blessing to humanity and this world!
So lets begin with the Reading.
The first card says-'YOU FOUND IT'.
This is a message about finding something of great value,such as your life path or a lost item.St. Anthony asks you to have faith that you have found(or will find very soon)what you are looking for.The situation you are inquiring about is what you've been seeking.Congratulations-you've found your way!
Both St Anthony and Archangel Chamuel(The Finding Archangel)can help you locate these lost items.Call upon them both(either silently or aloud)and ask them to help u.Then pay attention to your inner guidance,such as gut feelings,visions or thoughts.Follow this wisdom and you will find the item.Trust in the miracle of Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you.Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God.And if for some reason it doesn't immediately return,hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing.
St Anthony of Padua,Italy,was called 'The Wonder Worker' for his reported miraculous healings,including bringing a man back to life.
An eloquent speaker,he traveled widely to preach and help the poor.It is even reported that he gave speeches outdoors in the rain,yet his audience remained dry.How amazing is that now!Many people call upon St. Anthony to find lost items;also if they are feeling lost in life and to regain the grace of God,with miraculous results.
This is a message from our Angels and Archangels and the card says-SIGN FROM ABOVE.
This means that Heaven is sending you blessings and answers in the form of signs in the physical world.Notice anything that you see or hear three or more times for instance,if several people recommend the same book,movie,or class to you,that's a sign.Observe unusual occurrences such as Angel shaped clouds or cluster of butterflies.Pay attention to items with special significance such as loved one's favorite song playing on the radio,or a flower that you associate with a particular person or event cause this isn't mere happenstance.The old adage that 'Coincidences are when God remains anonymous' applies here.Trust in the signs you receive and know that they are very real and meaningful to you.
The Angels/Archangels are referring to a move as the next card is titled as-MOVE.
So this is a message about moving-most likely,it means that soon u will be moving to a new home.You've been considering the possibility and this is the validation of that idea.The Angels will help you locate a wonderful new home and assist with the details of leaving your present location.Give any worries about this issue to Heaven and have faith that the finances,family concerns and other issues will be taken care of.
Another meaning/perspective to this card is about moving your body more.The Angels ask you to create movement in your life through physical motion.You can do this by exercising,by swaying or dancing to music,hiking outdoors,playing with your children and so on.
All this movement helps you make a fresh start.It ushers in wonderful new people,experiences and opportunities so give any worries that you may have about making these changes to God and the Angels.
Looks like we all have to get out of our comfort zone and make things happen,cause the fact is,only we can do it..
Stepping outside your bubble can open a whole world of new possibilities.
So my dear all,try and work towards achieving your goals...and yet be gentle with yourself.
Easy does it!
But excuses begone.
I send u all my love...and a shower of Angel Blessings..and am thankful for all the love i receive from my dear members,some of them have become such good friends and it is indeed a blessing that when i need light,i know i can count on you to send me love and positive energy.And the same goes for all of here if u need me.You just have to let me know!
Call upon the Angels as much as u can so as to feel this wonderful connection that i do and now many of us do as well...
Like i always say..ask...and give them permission to intervene.U will feel their presence.They love u unconditionally.
Take care my beloved all.
Much love

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