Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON delivering us these messages.
MICHAEL(dark purple)says,"Move forward fearlessly.You are making big breakthroughs in your life by putting your Divinely inspired ideas into action.Trust that you are guided each step of the way.
Those gut feelings,dreams and strong impulses you've been getting aren't just examples of wishful thinking so don't ignore these gifts from heaven,which come on the wings of repetitive strong thoughts n feelings."
MICHAEL also says-"You are your own best friend and you can provide for yourself emotionally and physically."
Sometimes we feel frightened and want to get reassurance from another person that everything's gonna be all right.By drawing this card,you are reassured that everything u need is provided to you.You can rely on yourself and your own spiritual gifts to manifest all that u need in your life.Although your manifestations are the energy of spirit that often funnels through other people,it still originates with your own thoughts.
ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON (turquoise)says that you are now allowing yourself to experience and express your true power.The Angels ask you to affirm,"It is safe for me to be powerful."
By drawing this card you are asked to release any fears you may have about being powerful.You are asked to keep your self- esteem high by honoring yourself,taking extra care of your physical n emotional self,working on your dreams n aspirations and spending time in prayer and meditation.The higher your self-esteem,the more comfortable you will be with your power.
A lot of us are going through Ascension symptoms...some have this constant discomfort in the stomach,gum infections,headaches....body ache..and so on and so forth.Since the energies are strong...the Angels say that when you become aware of pain,release it.Face the pain without fear,since it is not real.Do not judge the pain but simply notice it.Say to your higher self,Angels,Ascended masters,Holy Spirit or God,"I notice that my ego is engaged right now and i don't like it.I fully release this pain to you and ask to see this situation in another way so that i may feel peace instead of pain.I send this away and know that only the lesson within it remains behind to help me grow in love."
Be wiling to release any attachments to the outcome of the situation and your reward is peace.Keep saying this affirmative prayer until u feel the pain lift away.
As Dr Wayne Dyer says-
We cannot always control what goes on outside. But we can always control what goes on inside.
Affirmations can do wonders!
If you are living out of a sense of obligation you are slave....
& what comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you.
So my dear all,i wish u all a wonderful week.
Be brave.
Be strong...and know that 'You are enough'.
Sending u lots of love and Angel Blessings

This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON delivering us these messages.
MICHAEL(dark purple)says,"Move forward fearlessly.You are making big breakthroughs in your life by putting your Divinely inspired ideas into action.Trust that you are guided each step of the way.
Those gut feelings,dreams and strong impulses you've been getting aren't just examples of wishful thinking so don't ignore these gifts from heaven,which come on the wings of repetitive strong thoughts n feelings."
MICHAEL also says-"You are your own best friend and you can provide for yourself emotionally and physically."
Sometimes we feel frightened and want to get reassurance from another person that everything's gonna be all right.By drawing this card,you are reassured that everything u need is provided to you.You can rely on yourself and your own spiritual gifts to manifest all that u need in your life.Although your manifestations are the energy of spirit that often funnels through other people,it still originates with your own thoughts.
ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON (turquoise)says that you are now allowing yourself to experience and express your true power.The Angels ask you to affirm,"It is safe for me to be powerful."
By drawing this card you are asked to release any fears you may have about being powerful.You are asked to keep your self- esteem high by honoring yourself,taking extra care of your physical n emotional self,working on your dreams n aspirations and spending time in prayer and meditation.The higher your self-esteem,the more comfortable you will be with your power.
A lot of us are going through Ascension symptoms...some have this constant discomfort in the stomach,gum infections,headaches....body ache..and so on and so forth.Since the energies are strong...the Angels say that when you become aware of pain,release it.Face the pain without fear,since it is not real.Do not judge the pain but simply notice it.Say to your higher self,Angels,Ascended masters,Holy Spirit or God,"I notice that my ego is engaged right now and i don't like it.I fully release this pain to you and ask to see this situation in another way so that i may feel peace instead of pain.I send this away and know that only the lesson within it remains behind to help me grow in love."
Be wiling to release any attachments to the outcome of the situation and your reward is peace.Keep saying this affirmative prayer until u feel the pain lift away.
As Dr Wayne Dyer says-
We cannot always control what goes on outside. But we can always control what goes on inside.
Affirmations can do wonders!
If you are living out of a sense of obligation you are slave....
& what comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you.
So my dear all,i wish u all a wonderful week.
Be brave.
Be strong...and know that 'You are enough'.
Sending u lots of love and Angel Blessings

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