Sunday, June 5, 2011

This week 6-12 June 2011-Messages From The Angels...Enjoy!!

Dear all!
I hope we had a good weekend.
This week we must focus on messages from ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON AND ARCHANGEL HANIEL.
SANDALPHON asks us to believe and accept in the 'Power of Now' which is the current moment.
Don't think about what is going to happen next,cause the thought that comes after that would be what if this happens or that doesn't..
The games that the mind can play are endless and will drains your be-ing ;you are pure energy,so stay in the moment,relish in the 'now'.
Who knows whats going to happen next.. if you are cynical,your predominant thought would be that something bad is going to happen and you will constantly live in fear....but if u believe
that you are a 'spark' of the Divine and are loved and protected..radiant and beautiful ,then maybe you are just a moment away from a miracle to happen!
Choice is yours:).
SANDALPHON is the peace maker.In irritable and chaotic circumstances where there seems to be tremendous discord..he brings about peace and harmony.
Also helps motivate and inspire musicians.
He is Turquoise..bright and bold;swirling mass of energy and that's how we must all be..bold,bright and upright..Have the courage to speak your truth.Yes be compassionate
 however sometimes it is only necessary to speak your mind,to get it off your chest and to let other know what you are made of.
Time to speak the truth..go ahead and say it is your message from SANDALPHON.
Keep him with u.He will be with you while u adress those issues that so need your attention right now.

ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Sky blue) says that even when progress may seem slow,you must know that you are on the right path.In order to speed up the process you must
consciously watch your thoughts.They are the message that you send out to the universe.What you feel,is what other if you are being misunderstood,
you are sending out mixed vibrations.We are energy,underneath...our thoughts create this energy,and that's why the Angels always emphasize on the Law of Attraction.
Because you are your thoughts,every thought you are thinking is creating your future.These thoughts are creating your experiences.
So if you don't like where you are.. at this point of time,either u did not plan it and reached here by default or you on some level did not believe in yourself,thus contradicting yourself..and
with the Law of attraction you went back and forth..because a state of limbo and a feeling of lack will only bring you more of that.Nevertheless,the Angels say you can start all over again.It doesn't matter how old u or you may feel..or what u  are going through..the power of creation is the present moment.What is that u want?
I get this card over and over again..and since i got it this week too,i suppose the Angels are clearly telling us to dream..visualize..and control our thoughts because
as we are heading towards ascension,this month of June starting tomorrow,the 6th.. is a great time for manifestation.This entire month focus only on what u want.
What u don't want,try and brush those thoughts aside and think of the Angels and ask them to take your worries away.
We may be experiencing strong energies this month..but be patient..just stay positive and turn your focus inward.Turn your focus,shift your attention rather,to all that you
love,if and when you experience turbulent order to activate better feeling thoughts.
Know that once you have called out to the Angels and given them permission to intervene,they will never abandon u,no matter how rough the road may lonely u may get,they are there with u and they will always send a helping hand.May not be all that you want,or in the same form...but what u need,you will definitely be given.
The past is over and done with,we cannot change that now.Yet we can change our thoughts about the past.How foolish would it be to punish ourselves in the present moment because someone hurt us in the past.
Avoid blaming yourself or others.As you release anger,you will see how beautifully a creative resolution to this situation will appear.
There are hidden blessings everywhere,just hang in there and allow the mystery to unfold itself to all of  you.
When u believe in the Angels and trust in them,they will never let you down.

I would also request all my members to  please send our prayers to 'Linda Deibel' to find her daughter 'Tasha' who has been missing for a while now.
Lets all hope and pray she makes it home safe.

Love you all and wishing you a fabulous week ahead.
And stay positive.
Positive thought attract positive outcomes.
Love Light and Angel Blessings

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