Dear all,
The first card that i picked is by ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL(Leaf Green)and he says,"Your patience will be rewarded".
You know what you want and you've been waiting for it.
This card means that your patience will pay off!You will soon have what your heart desires.It will most likely be better than what you expect.
Everything happens at the perfect time and that is the reason why you had to wait.You had lessons to learn and other people had to be ready as well.Now everything is set and you will find that your prayers have been answered.All of your patience and hard work will be rewarded.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Sparks of yellow) says," What would you see,feel or think and hear if your wish came true?"
When you imagine your dreams coming true u help make it happen.This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want and imagine that it has come true.Feel the emotion,let it become such a strong part of your consciousness,so strong, that the universe has no option left but to deliver it.
Imagine specifics...i reiterate the more u think of what you want and the details the closer you are to getting it.Maybe take out 5 minutes everyday and see and visualize what u want and watch how happy you feel.Make that your point of attraction.The Law of Attraction and the Angels never fail you.
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL(Emerald Green),the Healing Archangel says,"Diet is important here.Food is medicine."
He brings this card as a reminder of its curative properties.Instead of looking at a balanced diet as removing something enjoyable,why not re-frame it so that you view nutritious foods as adding to your life's enjoyment.The Angels have been trying to tell u this and u know it is true via your intuition but now its time to make the dietary changes your body needs.
So love yourself..your body...and feed it well.
Put less trust in the physical world and more on the inner world,this week.Learn to center yourself.Don't make decisions when you are not centered.Don't make frantic action for results:results come from a deeper level of being.Look past the mask of personality that people wear in public.
If you feel you are carried away by strong emotion or impulse,take a moment to come back to yourself.Walk away from stressful situations;here i would like to add ...if the person is genuinely in need then u must be there for that person,but if u see drama and are feeling drained because of someone,then it's best to stay detached.
Inhale Love,Exhale Gratitude.
Don’t let the elusive present moment get used up by thoughts that aren’t in the here and now, or spend it consumed with guilt over the past or worry about the future.
-Dr Wayne W Dyer
Each morning we are born again.What we do today matters the most.
So my dear all,take good care of your precious selves and have a great week ahead.
Affirmation for this week-
Sending everyone all my love and a shower of Angel Blessings!

The first card that i picked is by ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL(Leaf Green)and he says,"Your patience will be rewarded".
You know what you want and you've been waiting for it.
This card means that your patience will pay off!You will soon have what your heart desires.It will most likely be better than what you expect.
Everything happens at the perfect time and that is the reason why you had to wait.You had lessons to learn and other people had to be ready as well.Now everything is set and you will find that your prayers have been answered.All of your patience and hard work will be rewarded.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Sparks of yellow) says," What would you see,feel or think and hear if your wish came true?"
When you imagine your dreams coming true u help make it happen.This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want and imagine that it has come true.Feel the emotion,let it become such a strong part of your consciousness,so strong, that the universe has no option left but to deliver it.
Imagine specifics...i reiterate the more u think of what you want and the details the closer you are to getting it.Maybe take out 5 minutes everyday and see and visualize what u want and watch how happy you feel.Make that your point of attraction.The Law of Attraction and the Angels never fail you.
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL(Emerald Green),the Healing Archangel says,"Diet is important here.Food is medicine."
He brings this card as a reminder of its curative properties.Instead of looking at a balanced diet as removing something enjoyable,why not re-frame it so that you view nutritious foods as adding to your life's enjoyment.The Angels have been trying to tell u this and u know it is true via your intuition but now its time to make the dietary changes your body needs.
So love yourself..your body...and feed it well.
Put less trust in the physical world and more on the inner world,this week.Learn to center yourself.Don't make decisions when you are not centered.Don't make frantic action for results:results come from a deeper level of being.Look past the mask of personality that people wear in public.
If you feel you are carried away by strong emotion or impulse,take a moment to come back to yourself.Walk away from stressful situations;here i would like to add ...if the person is genuinely in need then u must be there for that person,but if u see drama and are feeling drained because of someone,then it's best to stay detached.
Inhale Love,Exhale Gratitude.
Don’t let the elusive present moment get used up by thoughts that aren’t in the here and now, or spend it consumed with guilt over the past or worry about the future.
-Dr Wayne W Dyer
Each morning we are born again.What we do today matters the most.
So my dear all,take good care of your precious selves and have a great week ahead.
Affirmation for this week-
Sending everyone all my love and a shower of Angel Blessings!

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