Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL and ARCHANGEL URIEL with us.
ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL(Dark Blue)says,"Dream Big.Let go of small thoughts about yourself!See yourself succeeding."
In the past,you may have seen yourself as insignificant.This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority.Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavor you can dream about.
Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you,even if you don't see results yet,even if you don't see tangible proof.Stay centered n faith and gratitude n order to open the doors to your desires.Even if you can't see evidence that your manifestation is in process,this card assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered.
"Your intuition is correct.Take action accordingly".
You are fairly certain about your next move and we got this card as additional validation,which will spur you into action.This card confirms that your intuition is accurate and that you can trust it completely.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Sparks of yellow)says," You,your loved ones and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!"
Your prayers,which ask for safety and protection have been heard and answered.Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the past,washed away with the tide of Heavenly Love.This love is clearing away your insecurities so that you can feel totally protected and secure.
If you are venturing into an area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and information,ask for help...ask Archangel Uriel to help u attract the right person/expert who is knowledgeable and intelligent and can guide u in all the possible ways.
These magnificent Archangels also ask us not to rule out the word Imagination...because you cannot imagine something that was never there.Imagery is a part of your mind.It is REAL!
They would also want to clarify the meaning of the word 'Karma' as too often it has been misconstrued as some tremendous backlash-some kind of wrath from the Great Beyond or whatever..which unfortunately makes us fear-based rather than spiritually based.'Karma' only means you are experiencing for your own soul's development/perfection and the only person that you have to rely on for soul experience is YOU.And you cannot do that without Grace and Love.
I have heard of this but did not comment... when someone said to me that she cannot leave her husband even though he beats her and the kids,because it is her karma.Such a person may,in actuality,be karmically destined to grow through the experience of pushing that abusive person out of her life.So i thought!
God did not mean for anyone to come down here to suffer endlessly.He doesn't play favorites.We choose our own reality.This moment our thoughts are creating our reality and like i have said it before,'The point of power lies in the present moment.'
So dream big my dear not be a victim.Live your heart's desire.
2013 is all about living it!
So what do you want to do....:-)...
What is it that you desire??
I feel excited so soooooo many dreams...just like you..and so many others who are hiding behind fear....and some behind cruelty...holding on to what happened in the past.Let it go...dare to live... again!
Go for it!
The universe supports the brave...always!
I love you all..
Take care of your beautiful,precious selves...
And i shall see u next week.
Much love and a shower of Angel Blessings...

This week we have ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL and ARCHANGEL URIEL with us.
ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL(Dark Blue)says,"Dream Big.Let go of small thoughts about yourself!See yourself succeeding."
In the past,you may have seen yourself as insignificant.This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority.Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavor you can dream about.
Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you,even if you don't see results yet,even if you don't see tangible proof.Stay centered n faith and gratitude n order to open the doors to your desires.Even if you can't see evidence that your manifestation is in process,this card assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered.
"Your intuition is correct.Take action accordingly".
You are fairly certain about your next move and we got this card as additional validation,which will spur you into action.This card confirms that your intuition is accurate and that you can trust it completely.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Sparks of yellow)says," You,your loved ones and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!"
Your prayers,which ask for safety and protection have been heard and answered.Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the past,washed away with the tide of Heavenly Love.This love is clearing away your insecurities so that you can feel totally protected and secure.
If you are venturing into an area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and information,ask for help...ask Archangel Uriel to help u attract the right person/expert who is knowledgeable and intelligent and can guide u in all the possible ways.
These magnificent Archangels also ask us not to rule out the word Imagination...because you cannot imagine something that was never there.Imagery is a part of your mind.It is REAL!
They would also want to clarify the meaning of the word 'Karma' as too often it has been misconstrued as some tremendous backlash-some kind of wrath from the Great Beyond or whatever..which unfortunately makes us fear-based rather than spiritually based.'Karma' only means you are experiencing for your own soul's development/perfection and the only person that you have to rely on for soul experience is YOU.And you cannot do that without Grace and Love.
I have heard of this but did not comment... when someone said to me that she cannot leave her husband even though he beats her and the kids,because it is her karma.Such a person may,in actuality,be karmically destined to grow through the experience of pushing that abusive person out of her life.So i thought!
God did not mean for anyone to come down here to suffer endlessly.He doesn't play favorites.We choose our own reality.This moment our thoughts are creating our reality and like i have said it before,'The point of power lies in the present moment.'
So dream big my dear not be a victim.Live your heart's desire.
2013 is all about living it!
So what do you want to do....:-)...
What is it that you desire??
I feel excited so soooooo many dreams...just like you..and so many others who are hiding behind fear....and some behind cruelty...holding on to what happened in the past.Let it go...dare to live... again!
Go for it!
The universe supports the brave...always!
I love you all..
Take care of your beautiful,precious selves...
And i shall see u next week.
Much love and a shower of Angel Blessings...

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