Dear All,
This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL with us.
The first card that i picked up is headed as- 'THE PERSON YOU ARE INQUIRING ABOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY'.
You drew this card as reassurance that you can rely on the person involved with this situation and that involves trusting yourself too.Everyone makes mistakes or acts selfishly occasionally,yet by and large,the individual you are thinking about is dependable.He or she cares about you and will act accordingly in loving ways.Archangel MICHAEL asks you not to expect this person to be perfect,as it puts too much pressure on the relationship.Instead view and treat your comrade as you'd want to be treated.So let go of blame as give anger or unforgiveness to the Angels for healing.
The Angels are giving you guidance and answering your prayers,yet their messages may seem out of the ordinary and unexpected,so you'll need to use your imagination to understand them.Let go of preconceptions or old beliefs of what won't or can't happen.The Angels have unlimited resources and they have orchestrated a solution that you can see if you believe that EVERYTHING is possible.So no matter how far fetched your idea may seem,move forward with it.
The third card is titled as- 'MAKE A COMMITMENT'.
You drew this card because you are asking about how to improve a situation.ARCHANGEL MICHAEL advices you to fully commit to your desired outcome.If you are tentative, or unsure if you are deserving or worthy enough,then the final result will be unsatisfactory.However by making a commitment ,you'll help spark movement in your life.
In order to find peace and happiness,we must understand that the meaning of life is service.A day without doing something for someone else is a day lost.Even if it means sending a prayer out to a homeless person or calling someone who needs you.The perfection of your soul is not only seeing the light ,but bringing light to others.
Love yourself,reward yourself,be good to yourself....and most of all,respect yourself.
To stay around a person that you intensely dislike is wrong.It disintegrates that person and yourself.Out of fear of being left alone,many marriages,friendships and family relationships are built upon trying to stay around a person you cannot even tolerate.This causes u guilt and heartache and stunts your spiritual growth.
Every single one of you is individually making his/her own way on a well-defined path to get back to where you came from.You may select partners and companions along the way,but because of your physical body and because you cannot merge,every single one of you is isolated.
In reality,u are never really alone.Your Archangels and your Spirit Guides are closer to you than any human being can ever be.
This is the truth.
So go within to find the answers.I truly believe-
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is , the only place they ever needed to search was within."
Love you all and sending u a shower of Angel Blessings.
Call upon A A MICHAEL whenever u feel and trust me he will be there.
Much love and wishes for a wonderful week ahead.
And this week focus on loving yourself more...:-).
Take care my dear precious all!
Be back next week....

This week we have ARCHANGEL MICHAEL with us.
The first card that i picked up is headed as- 'THE PERSON YOU ARE INQUIRING ABOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY'.
You drew this card as reassurance that you can rely on the person involved with this situation and that involves trusting yourself too.Everyone makes mistakes or acts selfishly occasionally,yet by and large,the individual you are thinking about is dependable.He or she cares about you and will act accordingly in loving ways.Archangel MICHAEL asks you not to expect this person to be perfect,as it puts too much pressure on the relationship.Instead view and treat your comrade as you'd want to be treated.So let go of blame as give anger or unforgiveness to the Angels for healing.
The Angels are giving you guidance and answering your prayers,yet their messages may seem out of the ordinary and unexpected,so you'll need to use your imagination to understand them.Let go of preconceptions or old beliefs of what won't or can't happen.The Angels have unlimited resources and they have orchestrated a solution that you can see if you believe that EVERYTHING is possible.So no matter how far fetched your idea may seem,move forward with it.
The third card is titled as- 'MAKE A COMMITMENT'.
You drew this card because you are asking about how to improve a situation.ARCHANGEL MICHAEL advices you to fully commit to your desired outcome.If you are tentative, or unsure if you are deserving or worthy enough,then the final result will be unsatisfactory.However by making a commitment ,you'll help spark movement in your life.
In order to find peace and happiness,we must understand that the meaning of life is service.A day without doing something for someone else is a day lost.Even if it means sending a prayer out to a homeless person or calling someone who needs you.The perfection of your soul is not only seeing the light ,but bringing light to others.
Love yourself,reward yourself,be good to yourself....and most of all,respect yourself.
To stay around a person that you intensely dislike is wrong.It disintegrates that person and yourself.Out of fear of being left alone,many marriages,friendships and family relationships are built upon trying to stay around a person you cannot even tolerate.This causes u guilt and heartache and stunts your spiritual growth.
Every single one of you is individually making his/her own way on a well-defined path to get back to where you came from.You may select partners and companions along the way,but because of your physical body and because you cannot merge,every single one of you is isolated.
In reality,u are never really alone.Your Archangels and your Spirit Guides are closer to you than any human being can ever be.
This is the truth.
So go within to find the answers.I truly believe-
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is , the only place they ever needed to search was within."
Love you all and sending u a shower of Angel Blessings.
Call upon A A MICHAEL whenever u feel and trust me he will be there.
Much love and wishes for a wonderful week ahead.
And this week focus on loving yourself more...:-).
Take care my dear precious all!
Be back next week....

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