New Moon Blessings to my dear all!
Hope we had a good week :-).
This week we have ARCHANGEL HANIEL(sky-blue) and ARCHANGEL URIEL(yellow) with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL means GLORY OF GOD....also associated with the planet Venus and the 'MOON' says-New beginnings are inevitable.Whether we take the risk or not;the fact that the subconscious mind has asked for it so strongly and many of us have made a whole new list we want and expect from ourselves and the universe,beautiful changes are coming your way.Focus only on the positive;wash away negativity from your consciousness and 'Believe' and 'Trust' that all good is in store for you.Do not hang on to anything that weighs you down such as resentment or bitterness.Let it go!
It's time to let go of the old and worn out so that new can come in.Make room for it.
Ask ARCHANGEL HANIEL to help u with this transition if you find it difficult and don't plan,scheme or worry about how your letting-go will occur.Instead put all your energy in prayer and faith.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(sparks of yellow and gold),his name means LIGHT OF GOD says that he will illuminate our minds with insight and new ideas.Stay optimistic.Share these ideas with loved ones;when u share everyone feels happy.Share your experiences fearlessly.Also help someone in need by giving them food or money or being there for a friend in need;point being give out all that u expect to receive.The universe will reward you in wonderful ways.
Also we must know that these four things cause major problems in our bodies and in our lives- Resentment,Criticism,Guilt and Fear.These feelings come from blaming others and not taking responsibility for your own experiences.If we all start believing we are responsible for our own lives,there really is no one to blame.We can change our thoughts about the past.As i have mentioned before,i would reiterate,how unfair it to punish ourselves because someone hurt us in the long ago past.
'The point of power is always in the present moment'.
If you are confused by conflicted feelings and are unsure of which direction to go in ask ARCHANGEL URIEL to guide you....and write down everything you are thinking and feeling-without editing and censoring your words.This method will enable you to gain insights into the nature of what you genuinely desire and this clarity will illuminate the steps you need to take ahead.Try n tap into your God-given creativity and wisdom so u can clearly move forward...healed...and more confident,than ever before.
If you correct your mind,all else has to fall into place.
Look upon every experience you've ever had, and everyone who's ever played any role in your life, as having been sent to you for your benefit. In this universe, which was created by a divine, organizing intelligence, there are simply no accidents.
Consider the importance of becoming aware of the impact you have on others, and remind yourself that by raising your own energy level to a place where you’re in harmony with Source, you become an instrument, or a channel, of peace. This works everywhere, so be a part of the counterbalance to the human negativity you encounter in your life. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world".
- Dr Wayne Dyer.
So my dear all,wish u lovely week ahead.
Sending everyone a shower of Angel Blessings.
Love and Light

Hope we had a good week :-).
This week we have ARCHANGEL HANIEL(sky-blue) and ARCHANGEL URIEL(yellow) with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL means GLORY OF GOD....also associated with the planet Venus and the 'MOON' says-New beginnings are inevitable.Whether we take the risk or not;the fact that the subconscious mind has asked for it so strongly and many of us have made a whole new list we want and expect from ourselves and the universe,beautiful changes are coming your way.Focus only on the positive;wash away negativity from your consciousness and 'Believe' and 'Trust' that all good is in store for you.Do not hang on to anything that weighs you down such as resentment or bitterness.Let it go!
It's time to let go of the old and worn out so that new can come in.Make room for it.
Ask ARCHANGEL HANIEL to help u with this transition if you find it difficult and don't plan,scheme or worry about how your letting-go will occur.Instead put all your energy in prayer and faith.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(sparks of yellow and gold),his name means LIGHT OF GOD says that he will illuminate our minds with insight and new ideas.Stay optimistic.Share these ideas with loved ones;when u share everyone feels happy.Share your experiences fearlessly.Also help someone in need by giving them food or money or being there for a friend in need;point being give out all that u expect to receive.The universe will reward you in wonderful ways.
Also we must know that these four things cause major problems in our bodies and in our lives- Resentment,Criticism,Guilt and Fear.These feelings come from blaming others and not taking responsibility for your own experiences.If we all start believing we are responsible for our own lives,there really is no one to blame.We can change our thoughts about the past.As i have mentioned before,i would reiterate,how unfair it to punish ourselves because someone hurt us in the long ago past.
'The point of power is always in the present moment'.
If you are confused by conflicted feelings and are unsure of which direction to go in ask ARCHANGEL URIEL to guide you....and write down everything you are thinking and feeling-without editing and censoring your words.This method will enable you to gain insights into the nature of what you genuinely desire and this clarity will illuminate the steps you need to take ahead.Try n tap into your God-given creativity and wisdom so u can clearly move forward...healed...and more confident,than ever before.
If you correct your mind,all else has to fall into place.
Look upon every experience you've ever had, and everyone who's ever played any role in your life, as having been sent to you for your benefit. In this universe, which was created by a divine, organizing intelligence, there are simply no accidents.
Consider the importance of becoming aware of the impact you have on others, and remind yourself that by raising your own energy level to a place where you’re in harmony with Source, you become an instrument, or a channel, of peace. This works everywhere, so be a part of the counterbalance to the human negativity you encounter in your life. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world".
- Dr Wayne Dyer.
So my dear all,wish u lovely week ahead.
Sending everyone a shower of Angel Blessings.
Love and Light

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