I am so excited to work with my new deck of Angel Oracle Cards and to introduce all of you to many more Angels:).
'Tarot with the Angels' will complete 2 years in December and until now i have only educated you on 15
ARCHANGELS.Henceforth,by and by i will talk and mention names of the Angels you may feel unfamiliar with,
but surely in time,you will develop your own personal connection with them.Also names as such,in times of need
does not really matter..all u need to do is say 'Angels,i need your help' and that is more than enough.
So here goes the messages for this week.
We have ANGEL ASTARA who says "You deserve the best.Nothing less.Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires and DO NOT compromise.
So we can see that there is a strong message there.She says in the past you have settled for less than what you wanted,but no more.There is no need to suffer in anyway because God and the Angels want you to enjoy your life.
Happiness is your birthright and is a Holy part of your Divine Mission.
ASTARA says that we must not hesitate to ask for help.When you ask,you must give her/them the permission to intervene.
They will do all they can to make your dreams come true.
ANGEL AKASHA says " You are a spiritual teacher.You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine Mission."
No matter what others say..know so,believe so.The voice in your head may be of someone close who may have not believed in you..let him/her go.You have already received Cosmic Guidance on the same.Trust in those messages.
Only because you continue to help people and have a natural gift in delivering just the right words,along with a healthy dose of comfort and inspiration.So call upon AKASHA to help you believe in your own psychic abilities so that you and more and more people benefit by your words of wisdom.
The Angels insist that we must follow the LAW OF ATTRACTION this week as it is extremely important to manifest and give ourselves a better life starting 'now'.
Other than suggesting each one to read(ASK AND IT IS GIVEN by ESTHER AND JERRY HICKS)in case u haven't already read that;i would also ask you to visualize all that you desire in your mind..and feel that happening in your consciousness.Even if it may seem like pretend,you will have already imprinted that vast beautiful emotion in your being and from there nothing but the manifestation will follow.
ACT AND YOU WILL RECEIVE-In my own experience i have felt that when i have already imagined something to have happened,it does..
It speeds up the process..makes you happier..healthier.Day dreaming...also known as Flow Dreaming by Summer Mc Stravick(the Angels highly recommend) is a powerful tool to manifest quickly..be it love,money,relationship harmony.
You can log in here to know more.
I see that the Angels want us to get up,get out of that stalemate and move and do all that we have always wanted to...because this week is the perfect time for manifestation.Don't hold back..no negative thoughts..just love yourself..and let other judge u or say whatever they may please..that is their problem.You owe yourself happiness..and only you can do it and make it happen.
Push yourself...lovingly..keep asking the Angels to give you the signs.Brush away the cynicism.Connect with your source..that is pure energy with not an ounce of negativity.
If things have ended with someone..or a door has been slammed in your face..look at it as an opportunity..turn every challenge into one.We have come this far and we know if we change the way we look at things,things that we look at change.
So my dear all..am gonna post a pic of this lovely card that i picked for all of us with ANGEL ASTARA.
As i always say 'Though no one can go back and make a brand new start ,anyone can start from here and make a brand new ending'.
Wishing everyone a splendid week.
Love Light and Angel Blessings

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