HANIEL says that the past must be over and to admit to yourself that it is time now for you to leave.You already know what situation the Angels are referring to.You have hesitated because of loyalties and fears,yet the Angels assure you that it's the best way.Give all or any fear that crops up to ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
Work very closely with your Angels during this transition to ensure its harmony for everyone concerned.
"The Sun sets and rises each day and it's the same with the avenues in your life.See the beauty within each sunset in your life,and know that the sun will rise again tomorrow.Endings are merely the start of a new beginning and we are with you through each phase and cycle."-ARCHANGEL HANIEL
ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL has been with you through it all and says this week,as you prepare yourself for that change in direction,take some time out to reward yourself in a meaningful way.Give yourself a much desired thing,a trip,or service and notice how your inner child blooms with joy from this loving attention.Do something for 'your' happiness.Maybe take the day off from work today;do things differently,Splurge on a treat for yourself..no matter what anyone says,appreciate all that you have done.
This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy,mood and motivation at a consistently high level.
Also as much as to some this message may clearly mean to act on their instincts,however JEREMIEL also says that if and when you are in serious doubt,the best thing to do is 'nothing'.
This is for some of my dear members who may be going through major dilemma with regards to every aspect of their life..and must call upon ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL for clarity.
As turbulent and insane this phase may seem like....all u have to do is stay still and calm and clarity will come.
It is only temporary...know that ...and besides,you are nearly there.
We must keep still inside as well as out when these 'Desert Periods' hit us.Desert Period is when you may feel that everything in your life has come to a standstill and you can't seem to lurch out of it.However u can still make things better by the way you perceive things.Try not to compare your situation with others..but try to accept things the way they are,in order to avoid more heartache...drama..lies;its a vicious circle..endless and extremely destructive.
JEREMIEL also happens to be one of the most prominent Healing Angels.He would like us to eat right,eat healthy,sleep well,exercise and fill our mind with good thoughts and illness won't get in.
Remember that the mind is a powerful mechanism,which can be the healer of your body or the faculty that makes you sick.
People tend to eat more sometimes to fill the empty hole inside that only 'Spirituality' can address.And Spirituality is nothing but connecting with your inner self,your God center,your source..'you'.
The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some super human accomplishment,whereas what it really is-simply your natural state.
When you turn your focus inwards..trying to find a deeper meaning to your existence..when you meditate,get in touch with who you really are,you feel more connected to yourself,get a glimpse of your soul; it is very likely that you outgrow certain people...however know that you are only creating space for newness into your life.And 'that' part of your life is over.New people will begin to appear.One door shuts another one opens.Such is Law.
The more you shine the more u attract people..all kinds of energies..and many a times we may come across people who can drain you out or make u feel uneasy.Take your first impression and trust your vibe..doesn't mean you are superior,just that your vibration is raised to a much higher level now and that particular person is not the right match.
Stay tuned with your higher self.
Trust your vibe.
Count your Blessings.
Be grateful..there is always,always something to be grateful for.
Be sensitive to people,don't throw them off balance.
Stay positive and keep the Faith.
Love yourself more and more as each day passes.
Take good care of your health and body this week-
The body is a living temple unto God,
wherein we worship the spark of the Divine.
So being the creators of our own reality-
"Create your own heaven,not hell..
You are a creator made from God and we the Angels are of God,for humanity..
At your service..and all you have to do is call."
Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
Lots of Love,Light and Angel Blessings

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