Dear all,
This week we have ANGEL AURORA AND ANGEL SERENA with us.
AURORA says "You are flying high right now which may threaten others.But don't descend,because others will soon
become inspired by your example".
She says to us that new opportunities are coming your way and your inner and outer self radiates this positive growth.
You may worry that others will be jealous of your current and forthcoming success....
so send love and light back to them instead of sending negativity...this way you keep yourself elevated.
Never send negativity back to its source..because then it turns spiral it and hits you back even harder-The only way to resolve this to either completely remove yourself from that situation or handle it with unconditional love...and no expectations.
Move forward..don't be afraid now..don't look back,the past is behind you,the worst is over...just follow your dreams and what you feel passionate about and victory and success are guaranteed!
ANGEL SERENA says "I am the Angel of Abundance.You will receive the money that you need and God is in charge of how that will happen.Have faith".
It's hard when you are gong through challenging times to see that light...which is there at the end of the tunnel.
But it 'is' there.And that's a fact.
Release all your worries and fears to ANGEL SERENA and surrender this situation to God .The more you do that..the more open you become.
God's infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways and if you worry too much,it
closes you down and that is one reason why we cannot hear our Guide's and the Angel messages in chaotic times.
Don't be impulsive...or hasty..wait..think hard and long before you make a research or seek expert guidance before making a decision.
Ask yourself,does this really make 'you' happy?What do you truly u desire that because of your ego/what others may think or because your Spirit wants it..which way brings you closer to your Divine Purpose?And which way takes you away from it?
Spend time introspecting..the answers will come.
Enjoy the present moment..and trust that each moment is taking care of itself.
Gratitude is essential right keep your flight at a high altitude.
As you raise your vibration through positive thoughts,you will start attracting positive results..and miracles will begin to appear.
You must assume responsibility for your actions and feelings.They are yours and you are the only one who can actually
influence them.You cannot expect the external world to change,because that unfortunately never happens.
Dare to be the change you wish to see in the world..
Visualize all that you seek..and make sure these visualizations of success are clear and see these things happening in your minds eye..isn't long enough till you will see it manifest in your current reality.
Victory is inevitable in this situation..specially when u invoke the Angels, u must know and believe in your heart that they will never let you down.
Whatever happens is supposed to happen and when it happens is the correct time.
So stay in perfect alignment with yourself..expect miracles..wish for the best only because you have asked for it and deserve it.
Leaving you with this beautiful song sung by Celene Dion.The words are perfect...just what the Angels would like to say to us:).
(copy and paste it on your browser if it appears unhighlighted)
I wish for all of us to have a great week.
Love Light and Angel Blessings

This week we have ANGEL AURORA AND ANGEL SERENA with us.
AURORA says "You are flying high right now which may threaten others.But don't descend,because others will soon
become inspired by your example".
She says to us that new opportunities are coming your way and your inner and outer self radiates this positive growth.
You may worry that others will be jealous of your current and forthcoming success....
so send love and light back to them instead of sending negativity...this way you keep yourself elevated.
Never send negativity back to its source..because then it turns spiral it and hits you back even harder-The only way to resolve this to either completely remove yourself from that situation or handle it with unconditional love...and no expectations.
Move forward..don't be afraid now..don't look back,the past is behind you,the worst is over...just follow your dreams and what you feel passionate about and victory and success are guaranteed!
ANGEL SERENA says "I am the Angel of Abundance.You will receive the money that you need and God is in charge of how that will happen.Have faith".
It's hard when you are gong through challenging times to see that light...which is there at the end of the tunnel.
But it 'is' there.And that's a fact.
Release all your worries and fears to ANGEL SERENA and surrender this situation to God .The more you do that..the more open you become.
God's infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways and if you worry too much,it
closes you down and that is one reason why we cannot hear our Guide's and the Angel messages in chaotic times.
Don't be impulsive...or hasty..wait..think hard and long before you make a research or seek expert guidance before making a decision.
Ask yourself,does this really make 'you' happy?What do you truly u desire that because of your ego/what others may think or because your Spirit wants it..which way brings you closer to your Divine Purpose?And which way takes you away from it?
Spend time introspecting..the answers will come.
Enjoy the present moment..and trust that each moment is taking care of itself.
Gratitude is essential right keep your flight at a high altitude.
As you raise your vibration through positive thoughts,you will start attracting positive results..and miracles will begin to appear.
You must assume responsibility for your actions and feelings.They are yours and you are the only one who can actually
influence them.You cannot expect the external world to change,because that unfortunately never happens.
Dare to be the change you wish to see in the world..
Visualize all that you seek..and make sure these visualizations of success are clear and see these things happening in your minds eye..isn't long enough till you will see it manifest in your current reality.
Victory is inevitable in this situation..specially when u invoke the Angels, u must know and believe in your heart that they will never let you down.
Whatever happens is supposed to happen and when it happens is the correct time.
So stay in perfect alignment with yourself..expect miracles..wish for the best only because you have asked for it and deserve it.
Leaving you with this beautiful song sung by Celene Dion.The words are perfect...just what the Angels would like to say to us:).
(copy and paste it on your browser if it appears unhighlighted)
I wish for all of us to have a great week.
Love Light and Angel Blessings