Dear all,
ARCHANGEL URIEL(Bright sparks of yellow)says,"The worst is now behind you and positive new experiences are on the horizon."
endured storms over rough seas,but now the way is clear n smooth.From
hereon in you can expect the best.Wash away negativity from your
consciousness and past memories and keep only positive lessons of
love.Do not hang on to anything that could weigh you down such as
resentment and bitterness.Let it go!
HANIEL(Sky-blue)says," Stay optimistic.You know and can see that your
dreams are coming true.Don't quit right before the miracle occurs."
is it-your time has come!You are about to collect your rewards and
your prayers will be answered.Even if a little more patience and guided
action on your part is needed,the extra wait and effort are definitely
worth it.You're just about there and this card asks u to keep your
faith about miracles and heavenly magic.
Rest if u must,don't over work very gentle with yourself right now.Don't rush...just flow with it...sleep...relax!
ARCHANGEL RAGUEL(Sea green) says,"Let go of old guilt and remember that you are God's perfect child.
Do not be hard on yourself and if u feel u have made mistakes somewhere,forgive yourself.No one's perfect.
But don't move away from your own self...instead love yourself,accept yourself for who u are.
Everyone makes mistakes and its normal to feel regret occasionally.What's important though is how u handle these mistakes.
Focus on your positive attributes,your strengths...and your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will diminish.
Before going to bed call upon Raguel and AA Michael to raise your level of confidence and self esteem;works wonders.
The Angels say,"Extra magical energy surrounds your situation right now.Expect miracles"
they want us to know that to ask for help is not a sign of
weakness.Many of Earth's most wonderful inventions come from team
efforts.And u can always ask the Angels to any
situation,at any given point in your life.
They will be there as your support system...loving and pure...and will never let you down.
Angels and The Law of Attraction is a million dollar combination...and
when the Angels see that u are following and making the effort to
abide by the law the prospect of attracting more opportunities and
creating a miracle increases.
Every subject is
really two subjects:There is that which u desire and the lack of it.So
when u focus upon something u desire,feel the happiness...the
excitement ...and the gratitude;the thankfulness that u feel in your
heart and u attract it sooner but if u focus on the not having it and
when and why is not happening and how can it not be working,then u are
slowing down the process.Have faith...and stay focused on your desire.
world,present and future is directly and specifically affected by the
signal that you are now transmitting.The personality that is you is
really an eternal personality,but who you are right now,is causing a
focusing of Energy that is very powerful.This energy that you are
focusing is the same Energy that creates worlds.And it is,in this very
moment,creating your world.
So my dear all,watch your thoughts...visualize...and you will create right before your eyes that you desire.
I wish u all a very happy and successful week.
Sending u a shower of Angel Blessings..
Take good care of yourselves.
Love u all.
Dear all,
CRYSTAL(Energy of red)says,"Have faith and hope because there is
something positive and new on the horizon that you can't see yet.
seeds that you have planted are beginning to sprout results.You may
not even be aware of these results,since they are in their infancy.Now
it is even more important to stay positive and to hold a clear vision
of your desire and intention.Avoid skeptics or those with negative
Everyday,positively affirm that you have already
achieved or exceeded your dream.And most important,ask for Angelic
Assistance every step of the way.
shade of mauve and pink)says,"You have been desiring for more love n
passion and your prayer has been answered.I am The 'Romance Angel' and i
am here to help u.New love is on its way to you and you can open the
door to this romance by opening your heart.The more that you welcome new
love with open arms the more romance will come your way.This also
means that you must express yourself romantically towards your
partner.Be candid about your feelings n intentions.Be playful and
loving...fresh with energy.And most of all,be openly loving with your
partner as a way of encouraging the flow of romance to return to you.
Call upon ANGEL CHANTALL for guidance and give her permission to intervene.
ISAIAH(orange)says,"You are ripe with new possibilities and you feel
an urgency to push into a new territory.Beloved one,your new and
exciting life changes are inevitable.There is no turning back.Instead
of playing it safe,u have decided to move forward.That is why i am with
you right now giving you the extra courage and comfort that u need."
Don't rush.Go with the flow.Be assured that your life change will happen at the right moment!
Angels want us to accept us as who we are not seeking another person's
approval and to love and respect our 'inner child'.This is your life
and you have the right to chose.If you are a person who gets angry at
yourself for being afraid and fearful or not being that what others want
you to be,then think of yourself as being a three years old.If you had
a little three year old child in front of you who was afraid,what
would you do?Would you be angry at him or would you reach out your arms
and comfort the child till he felt safe n unafraid and at ease?
adults around you when you were a child may not have known how to
comfort you at that time.Now 'you' are the adult in your life and if you
are not comforting the child within you,then that is very sad indeed.
was done in the past by your parents maybe...your siblings...that is
over now and in this pre-sent time you now have the opportunity to treat
yourself the way you wish to be treated.
The Angels want us to be kind to ourselves.
Begin to love and approve of yourself.Do not ignore your inner child.
Love yourself like u never have before and see how fast things move for you.
Self -acceptance and self-approval in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.
So take good care of yourselves my dear all.
Sending u a shower of Angel Blessings.
Love and Light...
Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL RAZIEL and ARCHANGEL HANIEL with us.
RAZIEL(colors of the rainbow) says,"As if a cloud has lifted from your
mind and heart,you are beginning to see life from the perspective of
your old self.You just went through a period where u gave up who you are
to please another person.You probably buried your interests,ignored
your friends and tried to fit into another person's lifestyle.And
now-You're back!
As you recover your authentic self,your
personality is going through big changes.Hold tight and allow these
changes to occur.You are safe.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Sky blue)says,"A change of venue is coming your way.Most likely you are moving to a new residence.
However,this card could also mean that you are changing the location of your employment.
Angels sense that your energy is drawing you to a new location.Perhaps
u have been thinking of moving to a new home and this card signifies
that it's time to consider that change.The card could also mean that
your place of employment is changing.You could be on a cusp of finding a
new job.Also,it is possible that your current employer may transfer
you to a new location or promote you to a different office.Regardless
of the type of new location,trust that this change is for the better
that will bring great improvements into your life.
careful attention to various forms of intuition.Now is not the time to
ignore these messages or procrastinate.Trust this inner wisdom,just as
you would,if it came from a respected teacher.Know that you are not
imagining the guidance.It's powerful and repetitive voice is a sign
that you are truly getting clear and trustworthy messages that are
worth following.
The Angels urge you to spend some time
introspecting and visualizing so that you know what is that you really
want that will make u happy.In this chaotic world sometimes we may tend
to feel lost;stresses of the mundane...expectations...demands may make
us feel completely exhausted n jaded.But if u clearly start
visualizing all that you want,just for a few minutes everyday,see the
smile it puts on your face,see and feel the sense of relief u
experience...visualization is a powerful tool for manifestation which
releases all blocks and if u can achieve all that u truly desire in
your mind's eye,trust me it's only a matter of time that the
manifestation will follow.
And this definitely is a good week to
focus on what u want,fearlessly...holding high standards for
yourself...operating from your higher self...not thinking things like
oh but i cant afford this or that and this can't be for me...because u
can have everything that u want...but for that you have to
'Believe'...IN YOU.
No resistant factors..and no negative thoughts.Just know,if u have the power to dream,you have the power to achieve too.
Ask the Angels to help u with the visualizations.
Expect the best for u.
Love yourself...and this is the time to make things happen.
Remember,as hard as things may seem-'You are the creator of your own reality'.
Never forget that.
Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.
Believe that you have it, and you have it.
high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the
Every great dream begins
with a dreamer. Always remember, you have
within you the strength, the patience, and
the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman
So i wish all my lovely members a successful week.
focused and always good to have fun to release all tensions and worries
so do take some time out to play-The Angels and the Fairies would so
love that.
And I Love u all:).
Take good care of your precious selves.
Angel Blessings