Dear all,
This week i have another new deck of cards by Doreen Virtue-MAGICAL UNICORNS ORACLE CARDS.
Needless to say they are beautiful;have attached a pic below to show u what they look like(even though the cards i pulled out are were different)also i am sure most of you already have this wonderful deck:).
We have ARCHANGEL METATRON(Dark blue with pink) and ARCHANGEL ARIEL(soft shade of pink-baby pink)with us this week.
Everyone wants to be liked,so it's normal that you want to fit in with other people.You may compare yourself with others and feel like you don't belong.You may even feel that you're not as good as other people.You don't need to change in order to please others.If you try to be different from who you really are,you wont be happy and wont make true friends.But if your inner voice tells you to improve yourself through learning new skills and taking care of your body,then you are being good to yourself.This will lead you to true friends who really love you as you are!
Call upon METATRON to guide u on this.
The second card says-IMAGINE.What would you see,feel,think and hear if your wish came true?
When you imagine your dream coming true,you help make it happen.This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want and imagine that it has come true.Next,close your eyes and notice how your body feels while you think about your wish.How do u feel-excited,happy,nervous or something else??Do u feel tingles anywhere in your body.Feel in depth,your are on your way to creating a breakthrough so in this imagination,see everything that u want to see.What people,colors and things do u see?What do you see yourself doing after your wish has come true.
When you imagine your dream coming true and pay attention to your thoughts and words and help make it happen.This is the power of human mind.You may even be surprised when your wish comes true in a better way than you think.Practice this..imagination.creative visualization for at least 5-10 minutes..if not more...everyday.It's like creating a mini movie;a basket of all your presents put in front of you and you watch yourself opening them with so much much excitement..what happy does one get all that one has dreamed off!!Just Imagine!
This technique is also called 'Flow dreaming' and with your thoughts and energy you can change the direction of your flow.Only important thing to know is to be clear of what you want.This sure works!I can guarantee!
ARCHANGEL ARIEL will be with u all along during this imagination/manifestation process.See how good u feel after u come out of it..refreshed and feeling brand new.It's beautiful...oh u have noooo idea:).
If some of u may experience blocks in letting your mind go,well that means there is someone u need to forgive.
Maybe without even realizing you are blaming someone and are angry;blame takes away your own power.Also could be that you feel angry towards yourself...for maybe not doing something as per your own expectation.Well..let kind to yourself,everyone makes mistakes...and so what,never too late to start over.Forgive yourself.It's okay.Be your yourself more instead....and you will heal.
Ask AA ARIEL;usually when u are sitting by yourself giving yourself permission to mentally have,all that you desire,the person standing in the way will also appear.In order to set yourself free you need to mentally say it to that person,'i forgive you for what you have done and i have moved on'.
Maybe the first time things may not feel so smooth but if you take the Angels along when u sit to do this,you will enjoy the art of imagining...and receiving.Besides it all starts from the mind...manifestation is bound to follow.And that's a fact.
So am hoping we all imagine wonderful things for our lives and send love and light to Mother Earth who grounds us with all her love,giving us the opportunity to write our own script,as and when we like.
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without
The mind is everything.
'What you think you become'.
The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart:).
Sending everyone lots of love and light and wishes for a super exciting week.
Lots and lots of love to all and Angel Blessings

This week i have another new deck of cards by Doreen Virtue-MAGICAL UNICORNS ORACLE CARDS.
Needless to say they are beautiful;have attached a pic below to show u what they look like(even though the cards i pulled out are were different)also i am sure most of you already have this wonderful deck:).
We have ARCHANGEL METATRON(Dark blue with pink) and ARCHANGEL ARIEL(soft shade of pink-baby pink)with us this week.
Everyone wants to be liked,so it's normal that you want to fit in with other people.You may compare yourself with others and feel like you don't belong.You may even feel that you're not as good as other people.You don't need to change in order to please others.If you try to be different from who you really are,you wont be happy and wont make true friends.But if your inner voice tells you to improve yourself through learning new skills and taking care of your body,then you are being good to yourself.This will lead you to true friends who really love you as you are!
Call upon METATRON to guide u on this.
The second card says-IMAGINE.What would you see,feel,think and hear if your wish came true?
When you imagine your dream coming true,you help make it happen.This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want and imagine that it has come true.Next,close your eyes and notice how your body feels while you think about your wish.How do u feel-excited,happy,nervous or something else??Do u feel tingles anywhere in your body.Feel in depth,your are on your way to creating a breakthrough so in this imagination,see everything that u want to see.What people,colors and things do u see?What do you see yourself doing after your wish has come true.
When you imagine your dream coming true and pay attention to your thoughts and words and help make it happen.This is the power of human mind.You may even be surprised when your wish comes true in a better way than you think.Practice this..imagination.creative visualization for at least 5-10 minutes..if not more...everyday.It's like creating a mini movie;a basket of all your presents put in front of you and you watch yourself opening them with so much much excitement..what happy does one get all that one has dreamed off!!Just Imagine!
This technique is also called 'Flow dreaming' and with your thoughts and energy you can change the direction of your flow.Only important thing to know is to be clear of what you want.This sure works!I can guarantee!
ARCHANGEL ARIEL will be with u all along during this imagination/manifestation process.See how good u feel after u come out of it..refreshed and feeling brand new.It's beautiful...oh u have noooo idea:).
If some of u may experience blocks in letting your mind go,well that means there is someone u need to forgive.
Maybe without even realizing you are blaming someone and are angry;blame takes away your own power.Also could be that you feel angry towards yourself...for maybe not doing something as per your own expectation.Well..let kind to yourself,everyone makes mistakes...and so what,never too late to start over.Forgive yourself.It's okay.Be your yourself more instead....and you will heal.
Ask AA ARIEL;usually when u are sitting by yourself giving yourself permission to mentally have,all that you desire,the person standing in the way will also appear.In order to set yourself free you need to mentally say it to that person,'i forgive you for what you have done and i have moved on'.
Maybe the first time things may not feel so smooth but if you take the Angels along when u sit to do this,you will enjoy the art of imagining...and receiving.Besides it all starts from the mind...manifestation is bound to follow.And that's a fact.
So am hoping we all imagine wonderful things for our lives and send love and light to Mother Earth who grounds us with all her love,giving us the opportunity to write our own script,as and when we like.
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without
The mind is everything.
'What you think you become'.
The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart:).
Sending everyone lots of love and light and wishes for a super exciting week.
Lots and lots of love to all and Angel Blessings

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