Dear all,
"You are very intelligent and talented.You have the ability to learn and memorize a lot of material.You are creative;don't overlook that side of the seeds of such beauty have been sown by the creator in you."
For instance if you are a designer,writer,singer,performing artist,,this is the time to let yourself shine and not shy away.Allow yourself to be who you are..and fear not.SANDALPHON will protect u,guide you and provide u the right portal for your talent to be noticed in the best possible way.
ARCHANGEL AZRAEL(Beige)says "You have a special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken."
This card wants you to know that your grandparents..could be your grandmother or grandfather;they love you very much and their love is helping you right now.No matter what,you and your grandparent will always be connected by this love.That's because the special bond that you share travels everywhere-even from Heaven!If u want some answers from them,you can easily have a silent mental conversation with them,by writing a letter or by asking directly.Your grandparents will do whatever is possible to help and probably will help you in an even better way than imagined.
The Angels/Archangels also want us to decide about what it is we really want in life.
It may sound difficult,but if you just close your eyes and notice what truly makes you happy,things will only get better from here.Decisions are magical,in that they get things moving again.If u don't like the direction in which your life is going,make a list of things u have always wanted to do and ask the Angels to guide u on them.
The oracle cards that i recently picked up are so helpful in making us understand what our Life Purpose maybe if u can get a set of those cards,it would benefit each and every one.
Also the Angels reiterate that blame and anger takes away your power and gives it to the other person.You just need to forgive and that does not mean that you have to forgive the other person's actions if they really hurt you,but u do need to stop seeing that person as an enemy,because this anger is toxic to you and your body.
So give your anger, your pain to the Angels and be happy with who u are and how far you have come.
I wish everyone a happy week.
Exercise-Run,walk,swim and stay active and healthy as this will give you more energy and happiness.
Be well and know that love heals everything.
The Angels are always here for us,all u have to do is call.
Love light and Angel Blessings

"You are very intelligent and talented.You have the ability to learn and memorize a lot of material.You are creative;don't overlook that side of the seeds of such beauty have been sown by the creator in you."
For instance if you are a designer,writer,singer,performing artist,,this is the time to let yourself shine and not shy away.Allow yourself to be who you are..and fear not.SANDALPHON will protect u,guide you and provide u the right portal for your talent to be noticed in the best possible way.
ARCHANGEL AZRAEL(Beige)says "You have a special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken."
This card wants you to know that your grandparents..could be your grandmother or grandfather;they love you very much and their love is helping you right now.No matter what,you and your grandparent will always be connected by this love.That's because the special bond that you share travels everywhere-even from Heaven!If u want some answers from them,you can easily have a silent mental conversation with them,by writing a letter or by asking directly.Your grandparents will do whatever is possible to help and probably will help you in an even better way than imagined.
The Angels/Archangels also want us to decide about what it is we really want in life.
It may sound difficult,but if you just close your eyes and notice what truly makes you happy,things will only get better from here.Decisions are magical,in that they get things moving again.If u don't like the direction in which your life is going,make a list of things u have always wanted to do and ask the Angels to guide u on them.
The oracle cards that i recently picked up are so helpful in making us understand what our Life Purpose maybe if u can get a set of those cards,it would benefit each and every one.
Also the Angels reiterate that blame and anger takes away your power and gives it to the other person.You just need to forgive and that does not mean that you have to forgive the other person's actions if they really hurt you,but u do need to stop seeing that person as an enemy,because this anger is toxic to you and your body.
So give your anger, your pain to the Angels and be happy with who u are and how far you have come.
I wish everyone a happy week.
Exercise-Run,walk,swim and stay active and healthy as this will give you more energy and happiness.
Be well and know that love heals everything.
The Angels are always here for us,all u have to do is call.
Love light and Angel Blessings