Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL and ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL communicating with us.
ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL(Violet) helps heal our emotions and take inventory of our lives so that we love and honor ourselves and consciously make an effort to forgive anyone who may have hurt us or let us down in our life.
He also says"Yes,the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent.We drop feathers,coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you are loved and never alone.And if due to whatever reasons you are unable to see these signs beloved one,don't worry,we are with you;notice and pay close attention to the repetitive thoughts and visions that you receive as this is another way we Angels communicate with you."
ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL(Dark Blue)helps us improve our memory and his name means 'righteousness of God'.
He says,"You have received this card as a gentle confrontation because i know you have been hiding from your true feelings.You've probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt,you'd be overwhelmed with feelings and faced with making necessary changes that you feel unprepared for.Yet,we the Angels assure you that it's healthiest to face this situation with honesty.They will help you with emotions,relationships and any support you need to make positive changes.However,we remind you to focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears so that you can attract the former and not the latter."
Our Angels would like us to know that when we don't make the changes we need to in life,life will often take a hand and force you to make the change.For instance,you don't leave the job you hate,then they will let go of you or if you stay in a relationship that is only causing you pain and despair,you will end up feeling disappointed and rejected.Important to take a call for yourself..and even more important to trust 'your' matter what people say.
Have faith..and believe in that fact that if one door shuts,another one immediately opens to us.And there is always a way,we always have a choice.The new opportunities that are sprouting forth that are being presented to us are only an answer to your prayers.Look at them,as options..not as confusions or problems..only because you deserve nothing but the best and it is time to receive.Have blind faith that the universe is supporting you always.
Stay positive.When our thoughts are angry,judgmental,or critical the chemicals they produce depress our immune system.And when are thoughts are loving,empowering and positive,that enhances our immune system,making us feel fit,healthy and strong-such is the mind-body connection.
The point of power is always in the present moment..and this is a new day.
Please affirm-
"All is well.Everything is working out for the highest good for everyone concerned.Out of this experience only good will come.We are all connected and we are safe."
Have a blessed week all.And remember,the times when you feel most provoked to give up..'that' is the time to really 'have faith'.God and the Angels will never let you down.Try it!
Love Light and Angel Blessings

This week we have ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL and ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL communicating with us.
ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL(Violet) helps heal our emotions and take inventory of our lives so that we love and honor ourselves and consciously make an effort to forgive anyone who may have hurt us or let us down in our life.
He also says"Yes,the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent.We drop feathers,coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you are loved and never alone.And if due to whatever reasons you are unable to see these signs beloved one,don't worry,we are with you;notice and pay close attention to the repetitive thoughts and visions that you receive as this is another way we Angels communicate with you."
ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL(Dark Blue)helps us improve our memory and his name means 'righteousness of God'.
He says,"You have received this card as a gentle confrontation because i know you have been hiding from your true feelings.You've probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt,you'd be overwhelmed with feelings and faced with making necessary changes that you feel unprepared for.Yet,we the Angels assure you that it's healthiest to face this situation with honesty.They will help you with emotions,relationships and any support you need to make positive changes.However,we remind you to focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears so that you can attract the former and not the latter."
Our Angels would like us to know that when we don't make the changes we need to in life,life will often take a hand and force you to make the change.For instance,you don't leave the job you hate,then they will let go of you or if you stay in a relationship that is only causing you pain and despair,you will end up feeling disappointed and rejected.Important to take a call for yourself..and even more important to trust 'your' matter what people say.
Have faith..and believe in that fact that if one door shuts,another one immediately opens to us.And there is always a way,we always have a choice.The new opportunities that are sprouting forth that are being presented to us are only an answer to your prayers.Look at them,as options..not as confusions or problems..only because you deserve nothing but the best and it is time to receive.Have blind faith that the universe is supporting you always.
Stay positive.When our thoughts are angry,judgmental,or critical the chemicals they produce depress our immune system.And when are thoughts are loving,empowering and positive,that enhances our immune system,making us feel fit,healthy and strong-such is the mind-body connection.
The point of power is always in the present moment..and this is a new day.
Please affirm-
"All is well.Everything is working out for the highest good for everyone concerned.Out of this experience only good will come.We are all connected and we are safe."
Have a blessed week all.And remember,the times when you feel most provoked to give up..'that' is the time to really 'have faith'.God and the Angels will never let you down.Try it!
Love Light and Angel Blessings