Dear all,
This week we have messages from ANGEL OMEGA and ARCHANGEL GABRIELLE.
ANGEL OMEGA says,"Congratulations beloved one!You have chosen to follow your Divine Guidance and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision.When you listen to the messages that your heart whispers,you swim in
natural synchronicity with the tide of your life's purpose.Stay relaxed and confident and keep moving forward with happiness and grace.Victory!Dear one!Your desire is coming to fruition.Keep up the good work."
ARCHANGEL GABRIELLE says,"You have an important purpose involving communication and arts.Please don't allow
insecurities and other people's opinion to hold you back.Call upon me,i will help you trust in your natural talents.Then
i will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help yourself and others."
Both the Angels say to us this week that we must not let anyone stand in our way as we all have a strong purpose on
Earth.While we pursue our dreams,our passions,we are bound to experience the positive as well as the negative aspects and nuances including defamation,rejection,lonliness,racism and prejudice of every kind.Then finally,you come to what can be described as an elevated spiritual and neutral place.
All along,you must learn to love yourself more and more..the wider the contrast..the more you believe in your inner being.However it is only essential now,in these changing times,to serve yourself as well as the same time..maybe each day contributing some time praying for someone's happiness, in this way giving,caring and spreading your truth and spirituality,to as many people as possible.
The Angels would like to reiterate that the meaning of life is 'service'.The perfection of your soul is service and so many times without any applause..or so it may seem...but a day without doing something for someone else is a day lost!
So if you are paying attention only to your own light,you may not advance all that quickly.One way to really speed up the process, is to give out,all that you wish to receive,help others..doesn't mean u go around looking for people but simply means if you can relieve someone from one day's guilt or an hour of pain..when u know they are suffering,you know that you have really spent your time wisely.
Another important message the Angels/Archangels give to us this week is to go with the flow of life.Sure discipline is important..which means exercise and diet is necessary but most of the problems arise because you push against life instead of going with it.The first thing is to simply accept whatever that is going on,whatever that you are feeling.Don't deny it..see it clearly..face it...and let it go.
The flow of life is a cardinal rule in the universe:If you don't hinder the way,the way will carry you.That applies to each one of us here.It's the same thing with pain-once the pain is accepted,acknowledged and experienced,then it can be handled.
The greatest love is to love yourself and the greatest truth is to be true to yourself.
There is nothing more important than this.
I wish everyone a fantastic week.
Fair well and stay connected.
The Angels love each one of us unconditionally and can be there with us all the time..provided we remember to call and
give them permission to intervene.
Angel Blessings my dear all.
Love and Light.

This week we have messages from ANGEL OMEGA and ARCHANGEL GABRIELLE.
ANGEL OMEGA says,"Congratulations beloved one!You have chosen to follow your Divine Guidance and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision.When you listen to the messages that your heart whispers,you swim in
natural synchronicity with the tide of your life's purpose.Stay relaxed and confident and keep moving forward with happiness and grace.Victory!Dear one!Your desire is coming to fruition.Keep up the good work."
ARCHANGEL GABRIELLE says,"You have an important purpose involving communication and arts.Please don't allow
insecurities and other people's opinion to hold you back.Call upon me,i will help you trust in your natural talents.Then
i will open doors for you to express those talents in a way that will help yourself and others."
Both the Angels say to us this week that we must not let anyone stand in our way as we all have a strong purpose on
Earth.While we pursue our dreams,our passions,we are bound to experience the positive as well as the negative aspects and nuances including defamation,rejection,lonliness,racism and prejudice of every kind.Then finally,you come to what can be described as an elevated spiritual and neutral place.
All along,you must learn to love yourself more and more..the wider the contrast..the more you believe in your inner being.However it is only essential now,in these changing times,to serve yourself as well as the same time..maybe each day contributing some time praying for someone's happiness, in this way giving,caring and spreading your truth and spirituality,to as many people as possible.
The Angels would like to reiterate that the meaning of life is 'service'.The perfection of your soul is service and so many times without any applause..or so it may seem...but a day without doing something for someone else is a day lost!
So if you are paying attention only to your own light,you may not advance all that quickly.One way to really speed up the process, is to give out,all that you wish to receive,help others..doesn't mean u go around looking for people but simply means if you can relieve someone from one day's guilt or an hour of pain..when u know they are suffering,you know that you have really spent your time wisely.
Another important message the Angels/Archangels give to us this week is to go with the flow of life.Sure discipline is important..which means exercise and diet is necessary but most of the problems arise because you push against life instead of going with it.The first thing is to simply accept whatever that is going on,whatever that you are feeling.Don't deny it..see it clearly..face it...and let it go.
The flow of life is a cardinal rule in the universe:If you don't hinder the way,the way will carry you.That applies to each one of us here.It's the same thing with pain-once the pain is accepted,acknowledged and experienced,then it can be handled.
The greatest love is to love yourself and the greatest truth is to be true to yourself.
There is nothing more important than this.
I wish everyone a fantastic week.
Fair well and stay connected.
The Angels love each one of us unconditionally and can be there with us all the time..provided we remember to call and
give them permission to intervene.
Angel Blessings my dear all.
Love and Light.

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