Dear all,
This week we have ANGEL OCEANA,ANGEL ROCHELLE and ANGEL SONYA with us.
ANGEL OCEANA(Aqua green) says,"Take action.You are in touch with your truth in this situation and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself."
"Dive right in!There's no need for more research or time.You can trust your feelings on this one.I will guide u through the
actions that are necessary considering the circumstances.Avoid procrastination at all costs.Break the situation down in small steps so that u don't become overwhelmed.Then,take those steps in regular intervals.You already know what to do about this situation and u have made up your mind to take action.I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light.
Although there might be some temporary hard work or emotional turmoil,this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
ANGEL ROCHELLE(white) says," As you honor and follow the guidance of your heart,prosperity is coming o you now."
"You are fully supported by heaven and we have heard your prayers for financial support.Be assured that we see money as a symbol of the abundant supply that God provides to all his children.Like any loving parent God wants his children to be comfortable safe and happy.That is one of the reasons why he sends Guardian Angels.
ANGEL SONYA(orange) says,"I bring you a message from your deceased loved one.I am happy,at peace and i love you very very much .Please don't worry about me."
"Your heart has been heavy with grief and i am here to reassure you.I am a Guardian Angel to your deceased loved one and i want you to know that there is no reason for you to worry.Your loved one is very happy and has adjusted to the transition very well.There is no anger or upset directed towards you,only love and understanding.You have done nothing wrong so please don't blame yourself in any way.You did everything u could and your loved one have asked me to share this appreciation with you.You and your loved one still share great love between your souls.That love could never die!Although u miss your loved one's physical presence ,you have already connected spiritually in your dreams,as well as through feeling,hearing,smelling or seeing your loved one's essence.So stay calm and stay connected.All is well!
Each one goes through his or her own challenges...sign of growth..and yet for each lock there is a key and for each problem there is a person uniquely qualified to unlock the solution.Each challenge is waiting for the one person to come along whose destiny is to heal that issue.Not everyone who sets out to change the situation becomes as famous as Mahatma Gandhi,however it is the souls purpose to seek,find and make the change.
We are all born with a sacred potential to manifest change.
Another very important message by the Angels,which we tend to forget at times is-
What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.Every thought we think is creating our future.
The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.
You might notice what thought you are thinking at this moment.
Is it negative or positive?Do u want this thought to be creating your future?Just notice and be aware.
I wish u all a very happy and positive week.
Stay in the Light,no matter what...and solutions will appear.
The Angels are always always with u-all u gotta do is call and give them permission to intervene.
They will never fail us.
All my Love,Light and Angel Blessings

This week we have ANGEL OCEANA,ANGEL ROCHELLE and ANGEL SONYA with us.
ANGEL OCEANA(Aqua green) says,"Take action.You are in touch with your truth in this situation and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself."
"Dive right in!There's no need for more research or time.You can trust your feelings on this one.I will guide u through the
actions that are necessary considering the circumstances.Avoid procrastination at all costs.Break the situation down in small steps so that u don't become overwhelmed.Then,take those steps in regular intervals.You already know what to do about this situation and u have made up your mind to take action.I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light.
Although there might be some temporary hard work or emotional turmoil,this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
ANGEL ROCHELLE(white) says," As you honor and follow the guidance of your heart,prosperity is coming o you now."
"You are fully supported by heaven and we have heard your prayers for financial support.Be assured that we see money as a symbol of the abundant supply that God provides to all his children.Like any loving parent God wants his children to be comfortable safe and happy.That is one of the reasons why he sends Guardian Angels.
ANGEL SONYA(orange) says,"I bring you a message from your deceased loved one.I am happy,at peace and i love you very very much .Please don't worry about me."
"Your heart has been heavy with grief and i am here to reassure you.I am a Guardian Angel to your deceased loved one and i want you to know that there is no reason for you to worry.Your loved one is very happy and has adjusted to the transition very well.There is no anger or upset directed towards you,only love and understanding.You have done nothing wrong so please don't blame yourself in any way.You did everything u could and your loved one have asked me to share this appreciation with you.You and your loved one still share great love between your souls.That love could never die!Although u miss your loved one's physical presence ,you have already connected spiritually in your dreams,as well as through feeling,hearing,smelling or seeing your loved one's essence.So stay calm and stay connected.All is well!
Each one goes through his or her own challenges...sign of growth..and yet for each lock there is a key and for each problem there is a person uniquely qualified to unlock the solution.Each challenge is waiting for the one person to come along whose destiny is to heal that issue.Not everyone who sets out to change the situation becomes as famous as Mahatma Gandhi,however it is the souls purpose to seek,find and make the change.
We are all born with a sacred potential to manifest change.
Another very important message by the Angels,which we tend to forget at times is-
What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.Every thought we think is creating our future.
The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.
You might notice what thought you are thinking at this moment.
Is it negative or positive?Do u want this thought to be creating your future?Just notice and be aware.
I wish u all a very happy and positive week.
Stay in the Light,no matter what...and solutions will appear.
The Angels are always always with u-all u gotta do is call and give them permission to intervene.
They will never fail us.
All my Love,Light and Angel Blessings