Dear all,
This week we have ARCHANGEL HANIEL and ARCHANGEL URIEL communicating with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Color of the sky) says ,"You've started something important ,and now its time to complete it."
At the beginning of a project,you feel excited because its something new and different.This excitement gives you a lot of energy,making you want to spend a lot of time working on the task.But the excitement may fade away,causing u to lose interest.At that point,you may walk away from it.When you have lots of unfinished projects,your mind feels scattered.The unfinished job nags at you which isn't fun.So this card asks you to go back to an important project(you already know which one it is and complete it.This act of finishing something helps u become more organized person and makes u feel better about yourself.This specific task will also help with your larger goals.
This card also indicates that u have big dreams and the Angels and the Unicorns ask u to focus on things but one step at a time.If u will just do one or two things a day related to your dream,it will come true more quickly than you can imagine.So go one step at a time.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(bright sparks of yellow) says-Animals love you.They know that u understand their special voice and that u respect them and their needs.Your pets especially love you and they really appreciate it whn u give them extra time and attention.This card is a message from all animals and your own pets to let u know how much they apppreciate you.Spend more time with animals,as they help you feel a sense of love play and have fun.
This card also suggests that u work with animals,either at school or as a career.You' be happy and good at any work involving studying or helping animals.Also a message from pets who have passed on.They want you to know that they are happy in heaven and that they still love you very much.Tune into them to feel the love from those pets right now and you'll know that you'll love each other forever.
I know a lot of my dear clients are going through some hard times.The one thing to remember during these break ups...period of that you are no victim.One door shuts and another one opens.Act and u will receive,instead of hitting rock bottom and wondering how someone could be so cruel.People will do as they please.But we know a better way n that is to move on;don't look back.Although you perceive yourself in limited terms,as a mind and a boy confined in time n space,there is a wealth of spiritual teachings that say otherwise.The reason you do not feel completely loved and completely lovable is that u do not identify with your spiritual nature.Your sense of love has lost one thing it cannot afford to do without:it's higher dimension.What would it be like to restore this lost part of yourself?
Mind,body and spirit would unite-this union creates the love you have to give.
You and your beloved would unite-this creates the love you have to share.
So my dear all,have a relaxed week.
Much love, light and Angel Blessings

This week we have ARCHANGEL HANIEL and ARCHANGEL URIEL communicating with us.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL(Color of the sky) says ,"You've started something important ,and now its time to complete it."
At the beginning of a project,you feel excited because its something new and different.This excitement gives you a lot of energy,making you want to spend a lot of time working on the task.But the excitement may fade away,causing u to lose interest.At that point,you may walk away from it.When you have lots of unfinished projects,your mind feels scattered.The unfinished job nags at you which isn't fun.So this card asks you to go back to an important project(you already know which one it is and complete it.This act of finishing something helps u become more organized person and makes u feel better about yourself.This specific task will also help with your larger goals.
This card also indicates that u have big dreams and the Angels and the Unicorns ask u to focus on things but one step at a time.If u will just do one or two things a day related to your dream,it will come true more quickly than you can imagine.So go one step at a time.
ARCHANGEL URIEL(bright sparks of yellow) says-Animals love you.They know that u understand their special voice and that u respect them and their needs.Your pets especially love you and they really appreciate it whn u give them extra time and attention.This card is a message from all animals and your own pets to let u know how much they apppreciate you.Spend more time with animals,as they help you feel a sense of love play and have fun.
This card also suggests that u work with animals,either at school or as a career.You' be happy and good at any work involving studying or helping animals.Also a message from pets who have passed on.They want you to know that they are happy in heaven and that they still love you very much.Tune into them to feel the love from those pets right now and you'll know that you'll love each other forever.
I know a lot of my dear clients are going through some hard times.The one thing to remember during these break ups...period of that you are no victim.One door shuts and another one opens.Act and u will receive,instead of hitting rock bottom and wondering how someone could be so cruel.People will do as they please.But we know a better way n that is to move on;don't look back.Although you perceive yourself in limited terms,as a mind and a boy confined in time n space,there is a wealth of spiritual teachings that say otherwise.The reason you do not feel completely loved and completely lovable is that u do not identify with your spiritual nature.Your sense of love has lost one thing it cannot afford to do without:it's higher dimension.What would it be like to restore this lost part of yourself?
Mind,body and spirit would unite-this union creates the love you have to give.
You and your beloved would unite-this creates the love you have to share.
So my dear all,have a relaxed week.
Much love, light and Angel Blessings